
TagLast edit: 19 Nov 2021 12:56 UTC by Yoav Ravid

Rituals are symbolic actions. In the context of LessWrong, it’s significant that many rituals have some impact on your cognition, which makes them appropriate to be careful with. Nonetheless, some LessWrongers have worked to explore the space of ritual through a rationalist lens.

It’s a bit tricky to define. The book Secular Wholeness notes:

There’s a hazy boundary between the words “ritual,” “habit,” and “custom.” I think the difference between a ritual act and a habitual one lies in awareness and assent. An act becomes a ritual for you when you perform it with conscious awareness of its symbolic and emotional meaning, and with willing assent to those meanings. Unless you act with both awareness and assent, your act is merely a habit (if it is unique to you) or a custom (if you share it with others).

Two key questions relating to ritual and rationality are:


Related Pages: Secular Solstice, Petrov Day, Grieving, Marriage, Religion, Art, Music, Poetry, Meditation, Circling

The Value (and Danger) of Ritual

Raemon30 Dec 2011 6:52 UTC
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On Ra­tion­al­ist Sols­tice and Epistemic Caution

Raemon5 Dec 2018 20:39 UTC
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Funeral Ritual

Raemon20 Apr 2018 1:40 UTC
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Sols­tice Quaker Dark­ness Circling

Raemon28 Dec 2021 6:09 UTC
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Rus­sian Food for Petrov Day

weft4 Sep 2022 17:57 UTC
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Pa­tron Saint Holidays

Raemon26 Jan 2022 9:26 UTC
56 points
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Vi­sions of Sum­mer Solstice

Raemon21 May 2018 5:50 UTC
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Modes of Petrov Day

Raemon17 Sep 2019 2:47 UTC
69 points
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How the Grinch Ought to Have Stolen Christmas

Quirinus_Quirrell25 Dec 2013 20:00 UTC
76 points
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Sto­ries of Sum­mer Sols­tice

Raemon8 Jul 2018 7:16 UTC
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The Ra­tion­al­ist Hag­gadot Collection

maia2 Apr 2024 20:02 UTC
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Holi­day Pitch: Reflect­ing on Covid and Connection

Raemon22 Apr 2020 19:50 UTC
58 points
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The Ritual

Eliezer Yudkowsky11 Oct 2008 23:52 UTC
104 points
21 comments5 min readLW link

De­sign­ing Ritual

Raemon11 Jan 2012 1:52 UTC
39 points
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The Sum­mer Sols­tice Paradox

Raemon8 Feb 2015 8:00 UTC
12 points
6 comments3 min readLW link

Ri­tual Re­port: NYC Less Wrong Sols­tice Celebration

Raemon20 Dec 2011 20:37 UTC
143 points
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Is Hu­man­ism A Reli­gion-Sub­sti­tute?

Eliezer Yudkowsky26 Mar 2008 4:18 UTC
60 points
54 comments3 min readLW link

The Gift I Give Tomorrow

Raemon11 Jan 2012 4:02 UTC
34 points
33 comments11 min readLW link

On “Not Screw­ing Up Ri­tual Can­dles”

Raemon27 Sep 2020 21:55 UTC
48 points
7 comments3 min readLW link

Sec­u­lar Sols­tice 2020

jefftk20 Dec 2020 23:20 UTC
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Triumph & Hope: How Far Hu­man­ity Has Come

Ruby21 Feb 2021 18:07 UTC
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In­tro to the Wed­ding Sequence

Ruby21 Feb 2021 18:06 UTC
54 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

The Gran­d­est Vi­sion for Hu­man­ity (Light)

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[Cer­e­mony In­tro + ] Darkness

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Tsuyoku Naritai

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Ruby11 Mar 2021 17:14 UTC
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0 comments3 min readLW link


Ruby11 Mar 2021 17:17 UTC
17 points
0 comments3 min readLW link

Vows & Declaration

Ruby20 Mar 2021 17:21 UTC
18 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Post-COVID In­te­gra­tion Rituals

Unreal12 Apr 2021 16:54 UTC
43 points
1 comment4 min readLW link

Bayesian Dharani, Great Dharani for Con­serv­ing Evidence

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Vav­ilov Day Starts Tomorrow

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Vav­ilov Day Dis­cus­sion Post

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Why haven’t we cel­e­brated any ma­jor achieve­ments lately?

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Ri­tu­als and symbolism

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[Question] Ra­tion­al­ist In­spired Com­ing-of-age Rituals

iceplant25 Apr 2022 17:22 UTC
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Ri­tual as the only tool for over­writ­ing val­ues and goals

mrcbarbier4 Jan 2023 11:11 UTC
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24 comments32 min readLW link

A differ­ent ob­ser­va­tion of Vav­ilov Day

Elizabeth26 Jan 2023 21:50 UTC
30 points
1 comment1 min readLW link

Notes on Reverence

David Gross4 Nov 2020 1:35 UTC
8 points
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Thanks­giv­ing Prayer

Eliezer Yudkowsky28 Nov 2008 4:17 UTC
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Sex Fairy Lore

pchvykov26 Jun 2022 20:42 UTC
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10 comments6 min readLW link

[Question] How do you cel­e­brate your birth­day?

Mati_Roy17 Sep 2020 10:00 UTC
10 points
2 comments1 min readLW link


hamnox9 Oct 2017 19:15 UTC
8 points
1 comment2 min readLW link

Austin Petrov Day re­vi­sion, 2023

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The Re­sults of My First LessWrong-in­spired I Ching Divination

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21 points
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The I Ching Series (2/​10): How should I pri­ori­tize my ca­reer-build­ing pro­jects?

DirectedEvolution9 Jul 2019 22:55 UTC
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6 comments3 min readLW link

Blog plant

KatjaGrace14 Dec 2020 11:30 UTC
7 points
4 comments1 min readLW link

“God Re­wards Fools”

Czynski30 Apr 2020 22:51 UTC
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[Question] What to do if you can’t form any habits what­so­ever?

masasin10 Jan 2021 1:17 UTC
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The hour I first alieved

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LessWrong Com­mu­nity Week­end 2024, open for applications

1 May 2024 10:18 UTC
71 points
2 comments7 min readLW link

Sab­bath hard and go home

Benquo27 Sep 2017 7:49 UTC
95 points
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Do­ing “good”

pchvykov13 Jan 2022 19:52 UTC
9 points
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LessWrong Com­mu­nity Week­end 2023 [Ap­pli­ca­tions now closed]

Henry Prowbell1 May 2023 9:08 UTC
89 points
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Ra­tion­al­ist Lent is over

Qiaochu_Yuan30 Mar 2018 5:57 UTC
20 points
16 comments1 min readLW link

Bring Back the Sabbath

Zvi7 Oct 2017 12:10 UTC
41 points
16 comments6 min readLW link

Eter­nal Win­ter, End­less Light

Raemon10 Dec 2017 5:51 UTC
26 points
5 comments4 min readLW link

Ra­tion­al­ist Lent

Qiaochu_Yuan14 Feb 2013 6:32 UTC
65 points
82 comments1 min readLW link

Ra­tion­al­ist Lent

Qiaochu_Yuan13 Feb 2018 23:55 UTC
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62 comments1 min readLW link

Sols­tice Album Crowdfunding

Raemon18 Dec 2018 20:51 UTC
39 points
7 comments2 min readLW link

State of the Sols­tice 2014

Raemon23 Dec 2014 6:18 UTC
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Less Wrong Com­mu­nity Week­end 2022

UnplannedCauliflower1 May 2022 11:59 UTC
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Schel­ling Day: A Ra­tion­al­ist Holiday

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Ri­tual 2012: A Mo­ment of Darkness

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54 points
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Bos­ton Sols­tice 2019 Retrospective

jefftk15 Dec 2019 21:20 UTC
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Triv­ial In­con­ve­nience Day (De­cem­ber 9th at 12 Noon PST)

namespace7 Dec 2018 1:26 UTC
32 points
1 comment3 min readLW link

Ri­tual Re­port: Schel­ling Day

ModusPonies17 Apr 2013 3:46 UTC
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To like each other, sing and dance in synchrony

Kaj_Sotala23 Apr 2012 13:30 UTC
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108 comments3 min readLW link


KatjaGrace31 Oct 2019 0:20 UTC
28 points
7 comments1 min readLW link

Stand­ing on a pile of corpses

Jsevillamol21 Dec 2018 10:36 UTC
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The Jor­dan Peter­son Mask

Jacob Falkovich3 Mar 2018 19:49 UTC
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Work­ing Mantras

Eliezer Yudkowsky24 Aug 2009 22:08 UTC
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Bay Sols­tice 2017: Thoughts

PDV18 Dec 2017 10:04 UTC
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Henry Prowbell31 May 2023 21:53 UTC
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Less Wrong Com­mu­nity Week­end 2022, open for ap­pli­ca­tion!

UnplannedCauliflower1 May 2022 18:52 UTC
32 points
2 comments2 min readLW link

A New Day

Eliezer Yudkowsky31 Dec 2008 18:40 UTC
47 points
13 comments1 min readLW link
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