

Tsuyoku Nar­i­tai! (I Want To Be­come Stronger)

Eliezer Yudkowsky27 Mar 2007 17:49 UTC
310 points
82 comments3 min readLW link

The Yud­kowsky Am­bi­tion Scale

loup-vaillant12 Sep 2012 15:08 UTC
64 points
61 comments1 min readLW link

Notes on Ambition

David Gross22 Nov 2020 19:53 UTC
19 points
1 comment7 min readLW link

Make an Ex­traor­di­nary Effort

Eliezer Yudkowsky7 Oct 2008 15:15 UTC
142 points
48 comments5 min readLW link

Shut up and do the im­pos­si­ble!

Eliezer Yudkowsky8 Oct 2008 21:24 UTC
105 points
165 comments12 min readLW link

The Gran­d­est Vi­sion for Hu­man­ity (Light)

Ruby24 Feb 2021 7:15 UTC
27 points
0 comments3 min readLW link

How I Ended Up Non-Ambitious

Swimmer963 (Miranda Dixon-Luinenburg) 23 Jan 2012 23:50 UTC
251 points
240 comments10 min readLW link

The Level Above Mine

Eliezer Yudkowsky26 Sep 2008 9:18 UTC
126 points
357 comments4 min readLW link

How I Be­came More Ambitious

Swimmer963 (Miranda Dixon-Luinenburg) 4 Jul 2013 23:34 UTC
131 points
48 comments8 min readLW link

Tsuyoku vs. the Egal­i­tar­ian Instinct

Eliezer Yudkowsky28 Mar 2007 17:49 UTC
83 points
35 comments2 min readLW link

Dear Self; we need to talk about ambition

Elizabeth27 Aug 2023 23:10 UTC
252 points
25 comments8 min readLW link

Men­tor­ship, Man­age­ment, and Mys­te­ri­ous Old Wizards

Raemon24 Feb 2021 22:00 UTC
83 points
13 comments3 min readLW link

Go Try Things

atucker3 Mar 2011 1:51 UTC
13 points
1 comment4 min readLW link

To Lead, You Must Stand Up

Eliezer Yudkowsky29 Dec 2007 6:38 UTC
48 points
31 comments2 min readLW link

Prepar­ing for ambition

Adam Zerner19 Jul 2021 6:13 UTC
19 points
8 comments10 min readLW link

What’s Stop­ping You?

Neel Nanda21 Oct 2021 16:20 UTC
40 points
2 comments19 min readLW link1 review

Don’t Fear Failure

atucker3 Apr 2011 22:52 UTC
40 points
12 comments2 min readLW link


Jacob Falkovich19 Aug 2019 14:31 UTC
38 points
7 comments6 min readLW link

Ex­ten­u­at­ing Circumstances

Eliezer Yudkowsky6 Apr 2009 22:57 UTC
54 points
42 comments4 min readLW link

Beyond a bet­ter world

Davidmanheim14 Dec 2022 10:18 UTC
14 points
7 comments4 min readLW link

On Do­ing the Impossible

Eliezer Yudkowsky6 Oct 2008 15:13 UTC
101 points
38 comments7 min readLW link

Notes on Industriousness

David Gross3 Nov 2020 1:55 UTC
12 points
1 comment5 min readLW link

“Win First” vs “Chill First”

lionhearted (Sebastian Marshall)28 Sep 2020 6:48 UTC
101 points
20 comments3 min readLW link

Seven ways to be­come un­stop­pably agentic

Evie Cottrell26 Jun 2022 17:39 UTC
60 points
16 comments8 min readLW link

De­sign­ing for a sin­gle purpose

Itay Dreyfus7 May 2024 14:11 UTC
48 points
12 comments10 min readLW link

Stop try­ing to have “in­ter­est­ing” friends

eq19 Apr 2023 23:39 UTC
40 points
15 comments6 min readLW link

[Question] How do peo­ple be­come am­bi­tious?

Raemon4 Apr 2019 19:12 UTC
59 points
39 comments1 min readLW link

Ein­stein’s Superpowers

Eliezer Yudkowsky30 May 2008 6:40 UTC
115 points
91 comments5 min readLW link

Bug Hunt 2

alkjash20 Feb 2018 5:00 UTC
34 points
15 comments3 min readLW link

The Sin of Underconfidence

Eliezer Yudkowsky20 Apr 2009 6:30 UTC
99 points
187 comments6 min readLW link

Ad­e­quacy as Levels of Play

Davis_Kingsley22 Jan 2018 20:57 UTC
27 points
10 comments2 min readLW link

Self-Keep­ing Secrets

lsusr10 Nov 2019 7:59 UTC
72 points
9 comments2 min readLW link

Four kinds of problems

jacobjacob21 Aug 2018 23:01 UTC
35 points
11 comments3 min readLW link

At­tend­ing to Now

ialdabaoth8 Nov 2017 16:53 UTC
27 points
2 comments3 min readLW link

Com­pe­ti­tion for Power

Samo Burja4 Apr 2018 17:10 UTC
17 points
8 comments9 min readLW link

“Play­ing to Win”

CronoDAS9 Apr 2009 15:45 UTC
29 points
16 comments1 min readLW link

You Play to Win the Game

Zvi30 Aug 2018 14:10 UTC
27 points
5 comments2 min readLW link

Sav­ing the world in 80 days: Prologue

Logan Riggs9 May 2018 21:16 UTC
12 points
16 comments2 min readLW link

Higher Purpose

Eliezer Yudkowsky23 Jan 2009 9:58 UTC
44 points
28 comments3 min readLW link

How my math skills im­proved dramatically

JonahS5 Mar 2014 20:27 UTC
34 points
25 comments2 min readLW link

Net­flix’s “Start-Up” and sincere work dramatization

Maxwell Peterson25 Dec 2020 5:32 UTC
17 points
3 comments6 min readLW link

What fuels your am­bi­tion?

Cissy31 Jan 2024 18:30 UTC
29 points
1 comment5 min readLW link

“Agency” needs nuance

Evie Cottrell25 Sep 2022 7:40 UTC
23 points
1 comment14 min readLW link
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