Solomonoff Induction

TagLast edit: 21 Apr 2022 23:14 UTC by Alex_Altair

Solomonoff induction is an inference system defined by Ray Solomonoff that will learn to correctly predict any computable sequence with only the absolute minimum amount of data. This system, in a certain sense, is the perfect universal prediction algorithm.

To summarize it very informally, Solomonoff induction works by:

Weighting hypotheses by simplicity, the system automatically incorporates a form of Occam’s razor, which is why it has been playfully referred to as Solomonoff’s lightsaber.

Solomonoff induction gets off the ground with a solution to the “problem of the priors”. Suppose that you stand before a universal prefix Turing machine U. You are interested in a certain finite output string y0. In particular, you want to know the probability that U will produce the output y0 given a random input tape. This probability is the Solomonoff a priori probability of y0.

More precisely, suppose that a particular infinite input string x0 is about to be fed into U. However, you know nothing about x0 other than that each term of the string is either 0 or 1. As far as your state of knowledge is concerned, the ith digit of x0 is as likely to be 0 as it is to be 1, for all i = 1, 2, …. You want to find the a priori probability m(y0) of the following proposition:

(*) If U takes in x0 as input, then U will produce output y0 and then halt.

Unfortunately, computing the exact value of m(y0) would require solving the halting problem, which is undecidable. Nonetheless, it is easy to derive an expression for m(y0). If U halts on an infinite input string x, then U must read only a finite initial segment of x, after which U immediately halts. We call a finite string p a self-delimiting program if and only if there exists an infinite input string x beginning with p such that U halts on x immediately after reading to the end of p. The set 𝒫 of self-delimiting programs is the prefix code for U. It is the determination of the elements of 𝒫 that requires a solution to the halting problem.

Given p ∈ 𝒫, we write “prog (x0) = p” to express the proposition that x0 begins with p, and we write “U(p) = y0″ to express the proposition that U produces output y0, and then halts, when fed any input beginning with p. Proposition (*) is then equivalent to the exclusive disjunction

p ∈ 𝒫: U(p) = y0(prog (x0) = p).
Since x0 was chosen at random from {0, 1}ω, we take the probability of prog (x0) = p to be 2 − ℓ(p), where ℓ(p) is the length of p as a bit string. Hence, the probability of (*) is

m(y0) := ∑p ∈ 𝒫: U(p) = y02 − ℓ(p).

See also


The Solomonoff Prior is Malign

Mark Xu14 Oct 2020 1:33 UTC
169 points
52 comments16 min readLW link3 reviews

An In­tu­itive Ex­pla­na­tion of Solomonoff Induction

Alex_Altair11 Jul 2012 8:05 UTC
161 points
224 comments24 min readLW link

A Semitech­ni­cal In­tro­duc­tory Dialogue on Solomonoff Induction

Eliezer Yudkowsky4 Mar 2021 17:27 UTC
141 points
33 comments54 min readLW link

Open Prob­lems Re­lated to Solomonoff Induction

Wei Dai6 Jun 2012 0:26 UTC
43 points
104 comments2 min readLW link

Solomonoff in­duc­tion still works if the uni­verse is un­com­putable, and its use­ful­ness doesn’t re­quire know­ing Oc­cam’s razor

Christopher King18 Jun 2023 1:52 UTC
38 points
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The Prob­lem of the Criterion

Gordon Seidoh Worley21 Jan 2021 15:05 UTC
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When does ra­tio­nal­ity-as-search have non­triv­ial im­pli­ca­tions?

nostalgebraist4 Nov 2018 22:42 UTC
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[Question] How is Solomonoff in­duc­tion calcu­lated in prac­tice?

Bucky4 Jun 2019 10:11 UTC
33 points
13 comments1 min readLW link

[Question] Ques­tions about Solomonoff induction

mukashi10 Jan 2024 1:16 UTC
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Solomonoff Cartesianism

Rob Bensinger2 Mar 2014 17:56 UTC
51 points
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[Question] Is the hu­man brain a valid choice for the Univer­sal Tur­ing Ma­chine in Solomonoff In­duc­tion?

habryka8 Dec 2018 1:49 UTC
22 points
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Clar­ify­ing Con­se­quen­tial­ists in the Solomonoff Prior

Vlad Mikulik11 Jul 2018 2:35 UTC
20 points
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A po­ten­tial prob­lem with us­ing Solomonoff in­duc­tion as a prior

JoshuaZ7 Apr 2011 19:27 UTC
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Clar­ify­ing The Mal­ig­nity of the Univer­sal Prior: The Lex­i­cal Update

interstice15 Jan 2020 0:00 UTC
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K-com­plex­ity is silly; use cross-en­tropy instead

So8res20 Dec 2022 23:06 UTC
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Diffractor24 Sep 2018 2:15 UTC
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Asymp­totic Log­i­cal Uncer­tainty: Con­crete Failure of the Solomonoff Approach

Scott Garrabrant22 Jul 2015 19:27 UTC
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My im­pres­sion of sin­gu­lar learn­ing theory

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Math­e­mat­i­cal In­con­sis­tency in Solomonoff In­duc­tion?

curi25 Aug 2020 17:09 UTC
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Why you can’t treat de­cid­abil­ity and com­plex­ity as a con­stant (Post #1)

Noosphere8926 Jul 2023 17:54 UTC
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Limited agents need ap­prox­i­mate induction

Manfred24 Apr 2015 7:42 UTC
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Solomonoff In­duc­tion and Sleep­ing Beauty

ike17 Nov 2020 2:28 UTC
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Solomonoff In­duc­tion ex­plained via di­a­log.

panickedapricott21 Sep 2017 5:27 UTC
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Oc­cam’s Ra­zor and the Univer­sal Prior

Peter Chatain3 Oct 2021 3:23 UTC
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What is the ad­van­tage of the Kol­mogorov com­plex­ity prior?

skepsci16 Feb 2012 1:51 UTC
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Are the fun­da­men­tal phys­i­cal con­stants com­putable?

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From the “weird math ques­tions” de­part­ment...

CronoDAS9 Aug 2012 7:19 UTC
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Pas­cal’s Mug­ging: Tiny Prob­a­bil­ities of Vast Utilities

Eliezer Yudkowsky19 Oct 2007 23:37 UTC
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Mul­ti­ple Wor­lds, One Univer­sal Wave Function

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Com­pu­ta­tional Model: Causal Di­a­grams with Symmetry

johnswentworth22 Aug 2019 17:54 UTC
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An ad­di­tional prob­lem with Solomonoff induction

gedymin22 Jan 2014 23:34 UTC
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Re­marks 1–18 on GPT (com­pressed)

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An at­tempt to break cir­cu­lar­ity in science

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Pre­dic­tion can be Outer Aligned at Optimum

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Ex­cerpt from Ar­bital Solomonoff in­duc­tion dialogue

Richard_Ngo17 Jan 2021 3:49 UTC
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A Brief In­tro­duc­tion to Al­gorith­mic Com­mon In­tel­li­gence, ACI . 1

Akira Pyinya5 Apr 2023 5:43 UTC
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Re­sponse to “What does the uni­ver­sal prior ac­tu­ally look like?”

michaelcohen20 May 2021 16:12 UTC
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Does Solomonoff always win?

cousin_it23 Feb 2011 20:42 UTC
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The Solomonoff prior is ma­lign. It’s not a big deal.

Charlie Steiner25 Aug 2022 8:25 UTC
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Sum­mary of the Acausal At­tack Is­sue for AIXI

Diffractor13 Dec 2021 8:16 UTC
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[Question] Gen­er­al­iza­tion of the Solomonoff In­duc­tion to Ac­cu­racy—Is it pos­si­ble? Would it be use­ful?

PeterL20 Feb 2022 19:29 UTC
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Com­men­su­rable Scien­tific Paradigms; or, com­putable induction

samshap13 Apr 2022 0:01 UTC
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Pro­saic mis­al­ign­ment from the Solomonoff Predictor

Cleo Nardo9 Dec 2022 17:53 UTC
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all claw, no world — and other thoughts on the uni­ver­sal distribution

Tamsin Leake14 Dec 2022 18:55 UTC
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Beyond Re­wards and Values: A Non-du­al­is­tic Ap­proach to Univer­sal Intelligence

Akira Pyinya30 Dec 2022 19:05 UTC
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The Ethics of ACI

Akira Pyinya16 Feb 2023 23:51 UTC
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(A Failed Ap­proach) From Prece­dent to Utility Function

Akira Pyinya29 Apr 2023 21:55 UTC
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In­tu­itive Ex­pla­na­tion of Solomonoff Induction

lukeprog1 Dec 2011 6:56 UTC
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Break­ing the Op­ti­mizer’s Curse, and Con­se­quences for Ex­is­ten­tial Risks and Value Learning

Roger Dearnaley21 Feb 2023 9:05 UTC
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Solomonoff’s solip­sism

Mergimio H. Doefevmil8 May 2023 6:55 UTC
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Belief in the Im­plied Invisible

Eliezer Yudkowsky8 Apr 2008 7:40 UTC
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Solomonoff In­duc­tion, by Shane Legg

cousin_it21 Feb 2011 0:32 UTC
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ACI #3: The Ori­gin of Goals and Utility

Akira Pyinya17 May 2023 20:47 UTC
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Weak ar­gu­ments against the uni­ver­sal prior be­ing malign

X4vier14 Jun 2018 17:11 UTC
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De­co­her­ence is Simple

Eliezer Yudkowsky6 May 2008 7:44 UTC
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This Ter­ri­tory Does Not Exist

ike13 Aug 2020 0:30 UTC
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A Brief In­tro­duc­tion to ACI, 2: An Event-Cen­tric View

Akira Pyinya12 Apr 2023 3:23 UTC
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How do low level hy­pothe­ses con­strain high level ones? The mys­tery of the dis­ap­pear­ing di­a­mond.

Christopher King11 Jul 2023 19:27 UTC
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The prior of a hy­poth­e­sis does not de­pend on its complexity

cousin_it26 Aug 2010 13:20 UTC
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The power of finite and the weak­ness of in­finite bi­nary point numbers

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[Question] Why would code/​English or low-ab­strac­tion/​high-ab­strac­tion sim­plic­ity or brevity cor­re­spond?

curi4 Sep 2020 19:46 UTC
2 points
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Ap­prox­i­mat­ing Solomonoff Induction

Houshalter29 May 2015 12:23 UTC
13 points
45 comments3 min readLW link
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