Pre­dic­tive Processing

TagLast edit: 26 Dec 2022 6:13 UTC by Roman Leventov

(From Wikipedia) predictive processing (a.k.a. predictive coding, the Bayesian Brain hypothesis) is a theory of brain function in which the brain is constantly generating and updating a mental model of the environment. The model is used to generate predictions of sensory input that are compared to actual sensory input. This comparison results in prediction errors that are then used to update and revise the mental model.

Active Inference can be seen as a generalisation of predictive processing. While predictive processing only explains the agent’s perception, Active Inference models both perception and action as inference under the same unifying objective: optimisation of the informational quantity called variational free energy.

External Links:
Book Review: Surfing Uncertainty—Introduction to predictive processing by Scott Alexander
Predictive Processing And Perceptual Control by Scott Alexander

Related Pages: Perceptual Control Theory, Neuroscience

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AI al­ign­ment as a trans­la­tion problem

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Pre­dic­tive Pro­cess­ing, Hetero­sex­u­al­ity and Delu­sions of Grandeur

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Beyond Re­in­force­ment Learn­ing: Pre­dic­tive Pro­cess­ing and Checksums

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A Sim­ple The­ory Of Consciousness

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Ba­sic Math­e­mat­ics of Pre­dic­tive Coding

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Biolog­i­cal Holism: A New Paradigm?

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Top Left Mood

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The Echo Principle

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Con­di­tion­ing Pre­dic­tive Models: Outer al­ign­ment via care­ful conditioning

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A re­ply to Byrnes on the Free En­ergy Principle

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