links 1/17/25: Dave Kasten, known Washington Insider and Dangerous Professional, says that the way to increase the chance your ideas make it into policy is to write essays online.
interestingly I’m reading this just as I’m hearing other people discuss how fruitless it is to write publicly, because nobody will understand you and take action based on your words. I think it probably depends how you write and what concepts you’re trying to get across, and what your bar is for “action.” People who think essays are useful are probably trying to reach across shorter inferential distances and make smaller nudges to people’s behavior. what is the minimum amount of matzah one is required to eat on Passover? traditionally it’s “the size of an olive.” but some people claim it’s about the size of a large pizza...because Biblical olives were huge??? (spoiler: no, they were not. we literally have thousand-year-old olive trees producing normal-sized olives.) this is a fascinating app. Link it to your calendar and Zoom and it will accompany on you on all your meetings, summarize them, generate action items, and grade you on things like how fast you speak and how much other people seem to like you.
“bias” is their word for “how much positive emotion do you show”, which is a terrible word for that! did they let the statisticians do too much product design?
they will also keep track of how many “non-inclusive” things you say, apparently. i’m still at zero, not being much for slurs myself.
transcription accuracy is pretty good, but the app is often wrong about who’s speaking. old Tyler Cowen post saying that if we blame guns for homicide/suicide we should, with equal or greater emphasis, also be blaming alcohol. Believable!
links 1/21/2025: news is about entertainment rather than information...yeah i guess, but i’m not sure what to do about that, i probably don’t actually need to know most of what’s going on! I kind of liked this Venkatesh Rao essay. the “garage project” sort of hackerish engineering is a “hobby” project that has potential to connect to the “big story” of advanced technology (unlike, say, woodworking, which may be personally or artistically fulfilling but is clearly opting out of the race towards the cutting edge) but also is a sort of “pure” personal project that has no obligation to deliver a result or make a profit or please anyone but oneself. it’s that intersection of “probably nothing” but “could be something”, limitless potential at the far horizon but tiny in the here-and-now/
“tinkering in your garage” is the tech equivalent of “starting a band” in the days where rock bands had a shot at stardom
there’s a Fun Theory thing here. it’s not Fun to do things that you know are trivial/meaningless and will definitely never “matter” in a big or deep sense; it’s also not Fun to be burdened with expectations and obligations. Fun thrives in the zone of “playing around that could someday grow into Something”
NYC is only ranked 35, behind Moscow??
things I looked up while reading about Venice
Venetian admiral
Genoese admiral
Venetian admiral yep, Count Orlok in Robert Eggers’ Nosferatu is speaking Dacian is this a serious threat? who can tell any more. i suppose if people respond to it, it’s an effective threat. Dan Davies on the problem of governments that outsource everything to contractors and NGOs, which then fail to do the job and can’t be held accountable or monitored because the government no longer has the staff or the expertise to oversee the project in detail.
outsourcing was, itself, a response to the high cost (and overspending and overstaffing) of governments running programs directly through civil service departments. the hope was that outsourcing would impose market discipline through competition.
from this point of view i’m not sure what one can do.
if the government refuses to provide public services at all, people might overthrow it?
or at least vote it out in elections
if the government provides public services itself, it will predictably overcharge, underdeliver, and engage in direct abuses of power
if the government hires third parties to provide public services, those parties will predictably overcharge and underdeliver, except more opaquely and in ways that are less amenable to being changed when voters get disgruntled. heartfelt and says something I’ve been concerned about myself. when you say you’re “anti-woke”, how can we tell whether that means you’re against specific, recent types of administrative overreach or whether e.g. you actually want to drive gender-nonconforming people out of public life? I’m sure there’s some of both going on, but there’s also a lot of uncomfortable (or strategic) ambiguity, which is a much more pressing concern for those with personal reason to worry whether they’re going to experience a huge rise in discrimination.