
TagLast edit: 7 Sep 2020 23:22 UTC by abramdemski

Taking notes is writing that’s primarily for yourself—whether for memory, or for study, or for reference, or to generate or develop ideas.

The Zet­telkas­ten Method

abramdemski20 Sep 2019 13:15 UTC
217 points
90 comments42 min readLW link3 reviews

How to take smart notes (Ahrens, 2017)

Yuxi_Liu23 Jul 2019 15:34 UTC
69 points
12 comments6 min readLW link

[Question] What’s your fa­vorite note­tak­ing sys­tem?

Elizabeth30 Sep 2019 6:18 UTC
31 points
7 comments1 min readLW link

mak­ing notes—an in­stru­men­tal ra­tio­nal­ity pro­cess.

Elo5 Sep 2015 22:51 UTC
25 points
20 comments7 min readLW link

[CORE] Con­cepts for Un­der­stand­ing the World

SquirrelInHell16 Jul 2016 10:53 UTC
4 points
17 comments1 min readLW link

How I use Google Forms in my Workflow

Harri Besceli26 Jul 2020 12:17 UTC
34 points
4 comments3 min readLW link

How do you take notes?

ChristianKl22 Jun 2014 10:45 UTC
19 points
29 comments1 min readLW link

[Question] How would you take math notes to make the most of them?

Eugleo15 Mar 2020 6:18 UTC
11 points
2 comments1 min readLW link

Cap­tur­ing Ideas

abramdemski9 Sep 2020 21:20 UTC
74 points
12 comments9 min readLW link

BBE W1: HMCM and Note­tak­ing Systems

Spiracular9 Jun 2020 19:20 UTC
26 points
7 comments5 min readLW link

Learn­ing By Writing

HoldenKarnofsky22 Feb 2022 15:50 UTC
135 points
12 comments10 min readLW link3 reviews

Con­ver­sa­tional canyons

Henrik Karlsson4 Jan 2023 18:55 UTC
59 points
4 comments7 min readLW link

my note system

bhauth15 May 2024 0:20 UTC
22 points
4 comments2 min readLW link


alkjash29 Jan 2018 2:11 UTC
42 points
7 comments4 min readLW link

Zib­bal­done With It All

Randomini28 Aug 2020 11:37 UTC
24 points
11 comments2 min readLW link

What comes af­ter Roam’s re­nais­sance?

Itay Dreyfus12 May 2024 8:51 UTC
13 points
16 comments11 min readLW link

[Question] How re­fined is your art of note-tak­ing?

DirectedEvolution19 May 2021 22:12 UTC
22 points
29 comments1 min readLW link

How to de­velop a pho­to­graphic mem­ory 2/​3

PhilosophicalSoul30 Dec 2023 20:18 UTC
27 points
7 comments12 min readLW link

Embed your sec­ond brain in your first brain

dkl922 Feb 2024 21:46 UTC
10 points
3 comments1 min readLW link

Write to Think

Michael Samoilov12 Jan 2023 0:33 UTC
10 points
2 comments2 min readLW link

How to de­velop a pho­to­graphic mem­ory 3/​3

PhilosophicalSoul8 Feb 2024 9:22 UTC
6 points
2 comments18 min readLW link

A Starter-kit for Ra­tion­al­ity Space

Jesse Hoogland1 Sep 2022 13:04 UTC
42 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Prepar­ing to land on Jezero Crater, Mars: Notes from NASEM livestream

Yitz17 Feb 2021 19:35 UTC
3 points
0 comments5 min readLW link

How to de­velop a pho­to­graphic mem­ory 1/​3

PhilosophicalSoul28 Dec 2023 13:26 UTC
34 points
6 comments14 min readLW link
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