Games (posts de­scribing)

TagLast edit: 9 Feb 2021 10:06 UTC by Yoav Ravid

Games for and by lesswrongers.

Related Pages: Exercises /​ Problem-Sets

The AI Safety Game (UPDATED)

Daniel Kokotajlo5 Dec 2020 10:27 UTC
44 points
10 comments3 min readLW link

Au­mann Agree­ment Game

abramdemski9 Oct 2015 17:14 UTC
32 points
17 comments1 min readLW link

AI takeover table­top RPG: “The Treach­er­ous Turn”

Daniel Kokotajlo30 Nov 2022 7:16 UTC
53 points
5 comments1 min readLW link

The Schel­ling Game (a.k.a. the Co­or­di­na­tion Game)

jchan3 May 2021 14:31 UTC
31 points
13 comments3 min readLW link

D&D.Sci Au­gust 2021: The Or­a­cle and the Monk

abstractapplic13 Aug 2021 22:36 UTC
32 points
23 comments2 min readLW link

Pos­i­tive Bias: Look Into the Dark

Eliezer Yudkowsky28 Aug 2007 3:55 UTC
136 points
58 comments3 min readLW link

Cross­word puz­zle: LessWrong Hal­loween 2022

jchan21 Oct 2022 12:41 UTC
11 points
11 comments1 min readLW link

Cre­dence cal­ibra­tion game FAQ

Academian26 Nov 2012 0:52 UTC
24 points
57 comments1 min readLW link

Small Go Boards

jefftk21 Jan 2023 14:50 UTC
18 points
6 comments2 min readLW link

Exquisite Or­a­cle: A Dadaist-In­spired Liter­ary Game for Many Friends (or 1 AI)

Yitz26 Jan 2023 18:26 UTC
6 points
1 comment1 min readLW link

A fun cal­ibra­tion game: “0-hit Google phrases”

David Scott Krueger (formerly: capybaralet)21 Nov 2019 1:13 UTC
6 points
1 comment1 min readLW link

Cre­dence Cal­ibra­tion Ice­breaker Game

Ruby14 Aug 2014 21:01 UTC
42 points
1 comment2 min readLW link

Viral Guess­ing Game

jefftk24 Dec 2023 13:10 UTC
19 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

When AI solves a game, fo­cus on the game’s me­chan­ics, not its theme.

Cleo Nardo23 Nov 2022 19:16 UTC
82 points
7 comments2 min readLW link

Games for Rationalists

Gunnar_Zarncke12 Sep 2013 17:41 UTC
10 points
55 comments11 min readLW link

Ra­tion­al­ity Ta­boo, The Game

Screwtape21 Mar 2023 0:56 UTC
6 points
0 comments2 min readLW link

Two Truths and a Pre­dic­tion Market

Screwtape23 Dec 2022 18:52 UTC
21 points
0 comments6 min readLW link

Ou­trangeous (Cal­ibra­tion Game)

jenn7 Mar 2023 15:29 UTC
36 points
3 comments9 min readLW link

Break­ing Rank (Cal­ibra­tion Game)

jenn7 Mar 2023 15:40 UTC
11 points
0 comments2 min readLW link

Ba­sic Facts Beanbag

Screwtape9 Mar 2023 0:05 UTC
6 points
0 comments4 min readLW link

Run­ning a Pre­dic­tion Mar­ket Mafia Game

Arjun Panickssery1 Feb 2024 23:24 UTC
22 points
5 comments1 min readLW link

Stag­ger­ing Hunters

Screwtape27 Mar 2023 19:11 UTC
12 points
2 comments5 min readLW link

Play My Futarchy/​Pre­dic­tion Mar­ket Mafia Game

Arjun Panickssery4 Apr 2023 16:12 UTC
21 points
2 comments1 min readLW link

A Gen­er­ally In­tel­li­gent Game

snerx28 Jun 2024 1:31 UTC
−1 points
0 comments4 min readLW link

An Ex­er­cise in Ra­tional Co­op­er­a­tion and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion: Let’s Play Hanabi

ejacob14 Apr 2021 8:36 UTC
14 points
10 comments7 min readLW link


abstractapplic5 Dec 2020 23:26 UTC
81 points
50 comments1 min readLW link

D&D.Sci(-Fi) June 2021: The Duel with Earwax

abstractapplic22 Jun 2021 11:48 UTC
26 points
28 comments3 min readLW link

It’s Good Enough—A Party Game

Zmavli Caimle24 Sep 2021 16:49 UTC
3 points
0 comments4 min readLW link

What’s the weirdest way to win this game?

Adam Scherlis21 Nov 2021 5:18 UTC
9 points
5 comments1 min readLW link

Solv­ing the Brazilian Chil­dren’s Game of 007

Epirito6 Apr 2022 13:03 UTC
4 points
6 comments2 min readLW link

Dissent Collusion

Screwtape10 Aug 2022 2:43 UTC
30 points
2 comments3 min readLW link
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