[Question] Most reliable news sources?

I’ve longed assumed that the vast majority of what the news discusses is irrelevant in the long run, and not that well reported at that. But the world seems to be moving faster these days, and I have more of a sense that I want to know what happened this week, because it might impact what I do next week.

For the first time in my life, I have some inclination to follow current events as they happen. And I find that I don’t really know how to do that.

What are the most reliable /​ least-politicized news sources?

In particular, I want a resource that I can refer to that will tell me what happened in the past 3 days, in as factual and unbiased a way as possible. I expect that I might have to do further research, to get context for the events. But to start, I want a place where I can go that will tell me what happened, with a minimum of narrativizing, political outrage, etc.