Prob­a­bil­is­tic Reasoning

TagLast edit: 19 Mar 2022 21:12 UTC by brook

Probabilistic reasoning is the opposite of black and white thinking.

When you reason in black and white you ask questions like: Is this true? Is this the right thing to do? Am I sick?

When you reason probabilistically you ask questions like: How likely is this? What’s the expected value of this action? What evidence have I seen that I am sick, and what evidence that I’m not? How likely is it that I’m sick without taking any evidence into account?

Reasoning probabilistically allows you to change your mind incrementally, accumulating many small pieces of evidence rather than requiring one overwhelmingly convincing piece.

On LessWrong, ‘probabilistic reasoning’ usually refers to Bayes theorem, which formally defines the optimal way to change your beliefs when you see evidence.

See Also: Bayes Theorem, Belief Update, Expected Value, Probability and Statistics

Rad­i­cal Probabilism

abramdemski18 Aug 2020 21:14 UTC
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Up­date Your­self Incrementally

Eliezer Yudkowsky14 Aug 2007 14:56 UTC
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Reflec­tive con­sis­tency, ran­dom­ized de­ci­sions, and the dan­gers of un­re­al­is­tic thought experiments

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Bayesian up­dat­ing in real life is mostly about un­der­stand­ing your hypotheses

Max H1 Jan 2024 0:10 UTC
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On co­in­ci­dences and Bayesian rea­son­ing, as ap­plied to the ori­gins of COVID-19

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E.T. Jaynes Prob­a­bil­ity The­ory: The logic of Science I

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A Bayesian Ag­gre­ga­tion Paradox

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Fifty Flips

abstractapplic1 Oct 2023 15:30 UTC
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Pre­ci­sion of Sets of Forecasts

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Gems from the Wiki: Do The Math, Then Burn The Math and Go With Your Gut

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Con­di­tion­als All The Way Down

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Ab­solute Authority

Eliezer Yudkowsky8 Jan 2008 3:33 UTC
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What makes a prob­a­bil­ity ques­tion “well-defined”? (Part I)

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A new Heuris­tic to Up­date on the Cre­dences of Others

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Is your un­cer­tainty re­solv­able?

Raemon21 Jun 2019 7:32 UTC
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Why Not Subagents?

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Prob­a­bil­is­tic Payor Lemma?

abramdemski19 Mar 2023 17:57 UTC
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Beauty and the Bets

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The Ev­i­dence for Ques­tion De­com­po­si­tion is Weak

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Five views of Bayes’ Theorem

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Prob­a­bil­is­tic rea­son­ing for de­scrip­tion and experience

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Dice De­ci­sion Making

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You can’t be­lieve in Bayes

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Every­thing Wrong with Roko’s Claims about an Eng­ineered Pandemic

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Some Rules for an Alge­bra of Bayes Nets

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Why I don’t think that the prob­a­bil­ity that AGI kills ev­ery­one is roughly 1 (but rather around 0.995).

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Draw­ing Two Aces

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Kling, Prob­a­bil­ity, and Economics

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From game the­ory to play­ers theory

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How Not to be Stupid: Adorable Maybes

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No Univer­sal Prob­a­bil­ity Space

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ra­tio­nal­is­tic prob­a­bil­ity(lit­ter­ally just throw­ing shit out there)

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No One Knows Stuff

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[Question] Cur­rent State of Prob­a­bil­is­tic Logic

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[Question] Jay­ne­sian in­ter­pre­ta­tion—How does “es­ti­mat­ing prob­a­bil­ities” make sense?

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[Question] Halpern’s pa­per—A re­fu­ta­tion of Cox’s the­o­rem?

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