
TagLast edit: 28 May 2024 9:25 UTC by niplav

This tag is for discussing techniques, recipes, ideas, or anything relating to the art of making food.

Key lime pie and the meth­ods of rationality

Said Achmiz22 Mar 2018 6:25 UTC
22 points
13 comments1 min readLW link

Bak­ing is Not a Ritual

Sisi Cheng25 May 2020 18:08 UTC
125 points
28 comments4 min readLW link

Food­pairing and Embeddings

jurabrazdil6 Feb 2023 15:09 UTC
13 points
2 comments5 min readLW link

Soups as Spreads

jefftk21 Oct 2023 20:30 UTC
22 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

The Good Balsamic Vinegar

jenn26 Jan 2024 19:30 UTC
51 points
4 comments2 min readLW link

Really Fresh Baking

jefftk10 May 2020 11:40 UTC
26 points
9 comments1 min readLW link

Fresh Bread

Zvi21 Jul 2020 20:40 UTC
22 points
1 comment2 min readLW link

Lazy Baked Mac and Cheese

jefftk16 May 2023 14:40 UTC
18 points
2 comments1 min readLW link

Sab­bath Commentary

Zvi7 Oct 2017 12:10 UTC
27 points
9 comments10 min readLW link

Failed Ve­gan Choux Experiments

jefftk20 Feb 2021 20:10 UTC
13 points
1 comment1 min readLW link


jefftk7 Mar 2021 1:30 UTC
26 points
4 comments1 min readLW link

Train­ing My Friend to Cook

lsusr29 Aug 2021 5:54 UTC
68 points
33 comments3 min readLW link

Pud­dle Tem­per­a­ture Alarm

jefftk8 Jun 2022 2:10 UTC
13 points
1 comment1 min readLW link

Meals For Un­clear Die­tary Restrictions

jefftk23 Jan 2023 20:00 UTC
17 points
3 comments2 min readLW link

Jar of Chocolate

jefftk27 Jan 2023 3:40 UTC
10 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Waf­fle Crepes

jefftk2 Nov 2020 15:30 UTC
8 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Ap­ple Cider Baklava

jefftk12 Sep 2023 2:10 UTC
15 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

En­joy­ing food more: a case study in third options

MBlume16 Mar 2011 6:23 UTC
25 points
48 comments2 min readLW link

Why are deli­cious bis­cuits ob­scure?

KatjaGrace8 Dec 2020 6:10 UTC
17 points
18 comments2 min readLW link

The Lens That Sees Its Flaws

Eliezer Yudkowsky23 Sep 2007 0:10 UTC
307 points
42 comments3 min readLW link

Sus­pected rea­son that kids usu­ally hate vegetables

Andrew Vlahos27 Feb 2021 23:52 UTC
8 points
21 comments1 min readLW link

Juneberry Cake

jefftk19 Jun 2022 1:40 UTC
29 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Clopen sandwiches

dkl914 Jul 2024 13:07 UTC
4 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Jam is obsolete

jefftk26 Jul 2020 14:00 UTC
25 points
24 comments1 min readLW link

Preschooler Turnovers

jefftk6 Jul 2021 1:20 UTC
10 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

A con­ver­sa­tion about cook­ing, sci­ence, and creativity

DirectedEvolution27 Jul 2021 5:00 UTC
16 points
4 comments4 min readLW link

Ap­ple Cider Syrup

jefftk6 Nov 2022 2:10 UTC
11 points
6 comments1 min readLW link

Op­ti­mal eat­ing (or rather, a step in the right di­rec­tion)

c_edwards19 Jan 2015 1:35 UTC
8 points
65 comments7 min readLW link

The Science of Cut­ting Peppers

Apprentice12 Sep 2010 13:14 UTC
54 points
68 comments4 min readLW link

Soylent Orange—Whole food open source soylent

RomeoStevens26 Mar 2013 21:20 UTC
32 points
105 comments2 min readLW link

Speed Pasta Bake

jefftk20 Jan 2022 2:50 UTC
11 points
7 comments1 min readLW link

Helping Lily Make Dinner

jefftk27 Apr 2020 2:10 UTC
15 points
5 comments2 min readLW link