A dog will change the weather dramatically, which will substantially effect your perceptions.
In this case, it’s about alt-complexity again. Sure, a dog causes a specific weather-pattern change. But could this specific weather-pattern change have been caused only by this specific dog? Perhaps if we edit the universe to erase this dog, but add a cat and a bird five kilometers away, the chaotic weather dynamic would play out the same way? Then, from your perceptions’ perspective, you wouldn’t be able to distinguish between a dog timeline and a cat-and-bird timeline.
In some sense, this is common-sensical. The mapping from reality’s low-level state to your perceptions is non-injective: the low-level state contains more information than you perceive on a moment-to-moment basis. Therefore, for any observation-state, there are several low-level states consistent with it. Scaling up: for any observed lifetime, there are several low-level histories consistent with it.
Yeah, I don’t know that this glyphisation process would give us what we actually want.
“Consciousness” is a confused term. Taking on a more executable angle, we presumably value some specific kinds of systems/algorithms corresponding to conscious human minds. We especially value various additional features of these algorithms, such as specific personality traits, memories, et cetera. A system that has the features of a specific human being would presumably be valued extremely highly by that same human being. A system that has fewer of those features would be valued increasingly less (in lockstep with how unlike “you” it becomes), until it’s only as valuable as e. g. a randomly chosen human/sentient being.
So if you need to mold yourself into a shape where some or all of the features which you use to define yourself are absent, each loss is still a loss, even if it happens continuously/gradually.
So from a global perspective, it’s not much different than acausal aliens resurrecting Schelling-point Glyph Beings without you having warped yourself into a Glyph Being over time. If you value systems that are like Glyph Beings, their creation somewhere in another universe is still positive by your values. If you don’t, if you only value human-like systems, then someone creating Glyph Being bring no joy. Whether you or your friends warped yourself into a Glyph Being in the process doesn’t matter.