FTX Crisis

TagLast edit: 16 Nov 2022 23:10 UTC by Raemon

Book Re­view: Go­ing Infinite

Zvi24 Oct 2023 15:00 UTC
241 points
110 comments97 min readLW link

Kel­sey Piper’s re­cent in­ter­view of SBF

agucova16 Nov 2022 20:30 UTC
51 points
29 comments1 min readLW link

Austin LW meetup notes: The FTX Affair

jchan22 Nov 2022 14:01 UTC
20 points
3 comments16 min readLW link

Who is Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) re­ally, and how could he have done what he did? - three the­o­ries and a lot of evidence

spencerg11 Nov 2023 1:04 UTC
36 points
28 comments1 min readLW link

Every Men­tion of EA in “Go­ing In­finite”

KirstenH7 Oct 2023 14:42 UTC
48 points
0 comments8 min readLW link

Dis­cord space for peo­ple with FTX claw­backs/​claims request

kotrfa16 Feb 2024 9:04 UTC
1 point
0 comments1 min readLW link

SBF’s com­ments on ethics are no sur­prise to virtue ethicists

c.trout1 Dec 2022 4:18 UTC
36 points
30 comments16 min readLW link

SBF, Pas­cal’s Mug­ging, and a Pro­posed Solution

Cole Killian18 Nov 2022 18:39 UTC
−1 points
5 comments5 min readLW link

Sadly, FTX

Zvi17 Nov 2022 14:30 UTC
133 points
18 comments47 min readLW link

The FTX Saga—Simplified

Annapurna16 Nov 2022 2:42 UTC
44 points
10 comments7 min readLW link

If Pro­fes­sional In­vestors Missed This...

jefftk16 Nov 2022 15:00 UTC
37 points
18 comments3 min readLW link

FTX will prob­a­bly be sold at a steep dis­count. What we know and some fore­casts on what will hap­pen next

Nathan Young9 Nov 2022 2:14 UTC
60 points
21 comments1 min readLW link
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