Dark Arts

TagLast edit: 24 Nov 2021 22:12 UTC by Gordon Seidoh Worley

Dark Arts is a colloquial term for techniques or methods which involve deception and/​or manipulation of others or oneself into believing things for non-truth-seeking reasons. These techniques may prey on human cognitive biases.

Some use the term to refer more narrowly to techniques that work equally well to compel both true and false beliefs, i.e., they are symmetric weapons. Some focus more on the Dark Arts as applied to oneself (self-deception) vs applied to manipulating others.

An example from the Dark Arts of Rationality:

Today, we’re going to talk about Dark rationalist techniques: productivity tools which seem incoherent, mad, and downright irrational. These techniques include:

  1. Willful Inconsistency

  2. Intentional Compartmentalization

  3. Modifying Terminal Goals

Art vs. Technology

Sometimes these arts are further augmented by the use of persuasion technology, such as broadcast advertising or PowerPoint slides. Persuasion technology may prevent the person who is being targeted from carefully deliberating on the intended message, or thinking up an effective response to it in real time.

Such effects can be caused by something as benign as the use of a specialist vocabulary which the target is unfamiliar with, or an institutional vocabulary with high-status connotations: this is one reason why many specialist professions employ ethical codes to regulate their unbalanced power relationship with customers.

The use of such techniques as whiteboards or PowerPoint slides brings additional concerns, since these tend to connote a single party as the one “in charge” of the presentation: this makes it even more difficult for the intended audience to raise any effective objection, and encourages them to focus their attention on the content of the whiteboard or slides. Said content is often presented as a list of abrupt “bullet points”, further connoting it as factual, objective and neutral. One outspoken critic of PowerPoint, management professor David R. Beatty, states: “It is like a disease. It’s the AIDS of management.” Beatty further states that Powerpoint “removes subtlety and thinking”.

Many futurists expect that a technological singularity of even a very mild character will lead to an explosion in the use of radically effective persuasive technology, or “cognotechnology”—a term coined by American military researchers at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratories. The collection and distribution of information about people may spiral out beyond any feasible control, perhaps even comprising their inner thought processes; cognitive monitoring may range from non-intrusive body monitoring as seen in a polygraph to outright brain emulation. In this scenario, persuasion technology may easily blend over into outright mind control. This is clearly a rather paranoiac and dystopian scenario; nevertheless, the fact that it is being seriously discussed has persuasive potential in itself, such as for directing funding for research into guaranteed Friendly AI, as opposed to naïvely pursuing expanded funding for neuroscience or artificial intelligence.

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See Also

Dark Arts of Rationality

So8res19 Jan 2014 2:47 UTC
256 points
193 comments18 min readLW link

The Dark Arts

19 Dec 2023 4:41 UTC
133 points
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Law of No Evidence

Zvi20 Dec 2021 13:50 UTC
122 points
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Dark Side Epistemology

Eliezer Yudkowsky17 Oct 2008 23:55 UTC
118 points
154 comments5 min readLW link

A few mis­con­cep­tions sur­round­ing Roko’s basilisk

Rob Bensinger5 Oct 2015 21:23 UTC
90 points
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Game The­ory As A Dark Art

Scott Alexander24 Jul 2012 3:27 UTC
161 points
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Say­ing no to the Appleman

Johannes C. Mayer29 Apr 2022 10:39 UTC
47 points
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Dark Arts 101: Us­ing presuppositions

PhilGoetz27 Dec 2010 17:16 UTC
101 points
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The Dark Arts—Preamble

Aurini11 Oct 2010 14:01 UTC
63 points
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How the­ism works

Paul Crowley10 Apr 2009 16:16 UTC
59 points
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Set­ting the Zero Point

[DEACTIVATED] Duncan Sabien9 Dec 2022 6:06 UTC
90 points
43 comments20 min readLW link1 review

How to Bounded Distrust

Zvi9 Jan 2023 13:10 UTC
119 points
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The Dark Arts: A Begin­ner’s Guide

faul_sname21 Jan 2012 7:05 UTC
62 points
43 comments4 min readLW link

Par­a­sitic Lan­guage Games: main­tain­ing am­bi­guity to hide con­flict while burn­ing the commons

Hazard12 Mar 2023 5:25 UTC
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[Question] Us­ing false but in­stru­men­tally ra­tio­nal be­liefs for your ca­reer?

Tim Liptrot23 Nov 2020 19:18 UTC
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Defense Against The Dark Arts: Case Study #1

Scott Alexander28 Mar 2009 2:31 UTC
145 points
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[Question] Has there been any work done on the ethics of chang­ing peo­ple’s minds?

mcorvin3 Feb 2021 1:03 UTC
1 point
1 comment1 min readLW link

Two Dark Side Statis­tics Papers

Scott Alexander2 Jan 2014 5:51 UTC
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Ex­cerpts from Veyne’s “Did the Greeks Believe in Their Myths?”

Rob Bensinger8 Nov 2021 20:23 UTC
24 points
1 comment16 min readLW link

Defense Against The Dark Arts: An Introduction

Lyrongolem25 Dec 2023 6:36 UTC
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Speak­ing off-meta

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chaosmage12 Feb 2019 21:32 UTC
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ChatGPT ? Forbes Billion­heir No­bil­ity Rank

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Ha­bit­ual Productivity

So8res9 Jan 2014 6:44 UTC
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Great Product. Lousy Mar­ket­ing.

BenAlbahari28 Feb 2010 9:33 UTC
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Dis­tract­ing wolves and real es­tate agents

PhilGoetz7 Jul 2011 13:49 UTC
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Re­quests to the Right Ear Are More Suc­cess­ful Than to the Left

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Har­ness­ing Your Biases

swestrup2 Jul 2009 20:45 UTC
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The Bunny: An EA Short Story

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Dark Art: Inception

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Chap­ter 1 of How to Win Friends and In­fluence People

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Win Friends and In­fluence Peo­ple Ch. 2: The Bombshell

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Is Rhetoric Worth Learn­ing?

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The Art of the Ar­tifi­cial: In­sights from ‘Ar­tifi­cial In­tel­li­gence: A Modern Ap­proach’

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Re­quire con­tri­bu­tions in advance

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Poli­ti­cal Skills which In­crease Income

Xodarap2 Mar 2014 17:56 UTC
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What I Tell You Three Times Is True

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Evalua­bil­ity (And Cheap Holi­day Shop­ping)

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Rhetoric for the Good

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Eliezer Yudkowsky27 Mar 2008 8:07 UTC
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Know­ing I’m Be­ing Tricked is Barely Enough

Elizabeth26 Feb 2019 17:50 UTC
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Be­ware Triv­ial Inconveniences

Scott Alexander6 May 2009 22:04 UTC
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