Morality in Fantasy Worlds

This comment by Carinthium in my earlier post has got me to think, and my apologies if this subject was raised before—couldn’t find it.

1- In a hypothetical world where God actually existed, it would be an OBJECTIVE belief and thus it would be worth saving people. (Just as with people killing themselves with harmful drugs under almost all real circumstances)

I admit I haven’t really thought much about such a topic, so perhaps it deserves a separate discussion.

Imagine you live in a fantasy world (like one of the Dungeons & Dragons universes) where the god you worship places you into better afterlife for following virtues that it considers moral. Suppose that we have evidence for the existence of the good and bad afterlives—testimony of resurrected people, etc. - so we know it’s not just a groundless threat. Some people would, naturally, not care and engage in behavior that would land them in the bad afterlife. Would it be moral or rational to try and save them from their own folly, or to write it up to personal choice instead?

Things get even more complicated when there are multiple gods, each with its own concept of morality, and you have a choice between them. But that’s a whole separate can of worms...