Here’s what would make me question Nate’s credibility: If we look at the 538′s former projections and compare them to the betting markets prior to election, make Kelly bets, and lose money.[1] Note that 538 can be on the wrong side of the market some of the time and still be profitable.
Saying Nate lacks enough credibility when he is well calibrated and on the right side of the market doesn’t make any sense and seems like an extreme case of hindsight bias. For example, you use the 2016 election to undermine 538′s credibility, but (if I recall correctly) 538′s forecast gave Trump a greater chance than the market’s odds implied, so if you bet based on 538′s forecast you would have bet on Trump and made money. I could be remembering wrong, so if someone links this data, they’d get an upvote from me.
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Looking at all orderings of elections
What do you mean by this? That human behaviour is non-deterministic? Or that, given the publicly available information at the time, the best guess was 50 percent? If the latter, it’s easy to get a better credence after the event happened. Look at Nate’s track record. An event that he gives an x percent chance happens pretty damn close to x percent of the time. You could’ve just as easily said he underestimates the winners when he got it “right” (i.e. he said > 50 percent chance), and therefore Biden has an even higher chance of winning.