Group Houses (topic)

TagLast edit: 13 Oct 2022 22:15 UTC by mingyuan

Mov­ing on from com­mu­nity living

Vika17 Apr 2024 17:02 UTC
61 points
7 comments3 min readLW link

Tips for Start­ing Group Houses

ShannonFriedman16 Jul 2012 21:03 UTC
20 points
15 comments2 min readLW link

[Question] Are our com­mu­nity grouphouses typ­i­cally rented, or owned?

mako yass2 Mar 2022 3:36 UTC
12 points
17 comments1 min readLW link

Group house norms re­ally do seem toxic to many peo­ple.

sapphire11 Jan 2021 23:42 UTC
65 points
31 comments3 min readLW link

Un­lock the Door

lincolnquirk29 Oct 2021 23:45 UTC
13 points
5 comments2 min readLW link

Shared House Setup

jefftk9 May 2020 11:30 UTC
28 points
0 comments2 min readLW link

I Want To Live In A Baugruppe

Alicorn17 Mar 2017 1:36 UTC
109 points
195 comments3 min readLW link

On Dragon Army

Zvi24 Jun 2017 10:44 UTC
10 points
0 comments54 min readLW link

Ra­tion­al­ist house­holds: What can Lon­don learn from its pre­de­ces­sors?

KnaveOfAllTrades23 Aug 2013 7:56 UTC
14 points
40 comments1 min readLW link

2024 Free­dom Com­mu­ni­ties Events

Tudor Iliescu12 Jul 2024 8:04 UTC
−6 points
1 comment1 min readLW link
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