Lots of people already form romantic and sexual attachments to AI, despite the fact that most large models try to limit this behavior. The technology is already pretty good. Nevermind if your AI GF/BF could have a body and actually fuck you. I already “enjoy” the current tech.
I will say I was literally going to post “Why would I play status games when I can fuck my AI GF” before I read the content of the post, as opposed to just the title. I think this is what most people want to do. Not that this is going to sound better than “status games” to a lot of rationalists.
It feels to me like the hairs of the nobility are doing amazingly well. That is more than enough money to support a lifestyle of leisure. Such a lifestyle is not available to the vast majority of people. So it seems like they mostly did secure a superior existence for their heirs.
The heirs of European nobility are still very rich on average. So I feel like the main example goes the other way.
I have done a lot of thinking. At this point timelines are so short I would recommend:
Individual with no special connections:
-- Avoid tying up capital in illiquid plans. One exception is housing since ‘land on Holy Terra’ still seems quite valuable in many scenarios.
-- Make whatever spiritual preparations you can, whatever spirituality means to you. If you are inclined to Buddhism meditate. Practice loving kindness. Go to church if you are Christian. Talk to your loved ones. Even if you are atheist you need to prepare your metaphorical spirit for what may come. Physical health may also be valuable here.-- Buy Nvidia call options. Money is plausibly useful, its a form of optionality and there isn’t much else. Buy literally max strike, max far out. Hold for 100x or until conditions seriously change. Buy as much as you can afford to lose. I cannot think of anything better.
If you have special connections and skill:
-- Try to get the labs nationalized as rapidly as possible. Do not ‘just do things’ you need to avoid messing up other good actor’s plans. But I don’t endorse generalized inaction. there is no simple way to operationalize ‘actually exercise good judgement’. There probably isn’t time for much else. Nationalization at least means there is a mandate to align AI broadly. and maybe it would slow down progress somewhat.
-- I cannot vouch for groups like Pause AI. But I also do not anti-vouch. Maybe they or some similar group is doing things wisely. But before you follow anyone please use your absolute best judgement to determine if they have a good plan or not.
-- Please don’t do anything insane. I am a rationalist and so I too am inclined positively towards thinking through totally crazy ideas. But nothing terrorism adjacent is likely to go well. Consider what happened after 911. That crazy plot actually worked in the sense the Towers went down. But the hijackers claimed they wanted to free the Middle East from USAand Israeli domination. Obviously, even ignoring the direct costs of the terrorist attack, the plan backfired. They brought chaos and death to the countries they claimed to be fighting for. Please do not follow in their foolish footsteps. Before someone thinks its pointless to write this I will note the rationalist and EA communities have committed multiple ideological murders and a many billion dollar fraud. Be careful which ideas you take seriously.
I was still hoping for a sort of normal life. At least for a decade or maybe more. But that just doesn’t seem possible anymore. This is a rough night.
I recovered from surgery alone.
I had extensive facial feminization surgery. My jaw was drilled down. Same with brow ridge. Nose broken, reshaped packed. No solid go d for months.
Recovery was challenging alone but I was certain I could manage it myself. I spared myself begging for help. The horror of noticing I was pissing off my friend by needing help.
No regrets. I’m quite recovered now. That was very interesting month alone.
The truth should be rewarded. Even if it’s obvious. Everyday this post is more blatantly correct.
I don’t think he is directly responsible. But recent events are imo further evidence his methods are bad. If I said some dangerous teacher was Buddhist I would not be implicating the Buddha directly. Though it would be some evidence for the Buddha failing as a teacher.
Is the hoody gonna be good? Hoodies are often really shitty quality and texture. If you make a good one I will pay the 1K.
The Local Vasserite has directly stated “i purposefully induce mania in people, as taught by Michael Vassar”. Seems like the connection to michael Vassar is not very tenuous. At least that is my judgement. Others can disagree. Vassar does not have to personally administer the method or be currently supportive of his former student.
I honestly have no idea what you mean. I am not even sure why “(self) statements you hear while on psychedelics are just like normal statements” would be a counterpoint to someone being in a very credulous state. Normal statements can also be accepted credulously.
Perhaps you are right but the sense of self required is rare. Practical most people are empirically credulous on psychedellics.
When you take psychedelics you are in an extremely vulnerable and credulous position. It is absolutely unsafe to take psychedelics in the presence of anyone who is going to confidently expound in the nature of truth and society. Michael Vassar, Jessica Taylor and other are extremely confident and aggressive about asserting their point of view. It is debatable how ok that is under normal circumstances. It is absolutely dangerous if someone is on psychedelics.
Even a single trip can be quite damaging.
I consulted multiple people to make sure my impression was accurate .Every person, except you, agree you are much more schizophrenic than before the events. My personal opinion is you currently fit the diagnosis criteria. I do not accept that people are the unique authority on whether they have developed schizophrenia.
Yes you are the second person observed to have a schizophrenic event. In your case I doubt long lasting.
Events are recent and to some extent ongoing. Though the ‘now they are literally schizophrenic’ event occurred some months ago. Pacific northwest. This incident has not been written up in public afaik.
A second person has now had a schizophrenic episode. This occurred a few days ago. Though I do not think the second person will end up persistently schizophrenic.
I am not talking about any of the more well known cases.
The idea that people would do these things in the ‘rationalist’ community is truly horrifying to me. I am a believer in doing somewhat innovative or risky things. But you are supposed to do them somewhat safely.
Don’t Induce psychosis intentionally. Don’t take psychedelics while someone probes your beliefs. Don’t let anyone associated with Michael Vasser anywhere near you during an altered state.
Edit: here is a different report from three years ago with the same person administering the methods:
Mike Vasser followers practice intentionally inducing psychosis via psychedelic drugs. Inducing psychosis is a verbatim self report of what they are doing. I would say they practice drug induced brain washing. TBC they would dispute the term brain washing and probably would not like the term ‘followers’ but I think the terms are accurate and they are certainly his intellectual descendants.
Several people have had quite severe adverse reactions (as observed by me). For example rapidly developing serious literal schizophrenia. Schizophrenia in the very literal sense of paranoid delusions and conspiratorial interpretations of other people’s behavior. The local Vasserite who did the ‘therapy’/‘brainwashing’ seems completely unbothered by this literal schizophrenia.
As you can imagine this behavior can cause substantial social disruption. Especially since the Vasserite’s don’t exactly believe in social harmony. This has all precipitated serious mental health events in many other parties. Though they are less obviously serious than “they are clinically schizophrenic now”.But that is a high bar.
I have been very critical of cover ups in lesswrong. I’m not going to name names and maybe you don’t trust me. But I have observed this all directly. If you are let people toy with your brain while you are under the influence of psychedelics you should expect high odds of severe consequences. And your friends mental health might suffer as well.Edit: these are recent events. To my knowledge never referenced on lesswrong.
edit: For anyone who feels the connection to Michael Vassar is too tenuous. The Local Vasserite in question has directly stated “i purposefully induce mania in people, as taught by Michael Vassar” to multiple people.
The market isnt efficient. Which isn’t to say it is easy to beat. Your friends strategies don’t sound promising. It also seems strange to me he is obsessed with crypto and thinks it will do well but isn’t a crypto investor. Sounds pretty inconsistent with his beliefs.
It’s worth remembering many versions of ‘,,the market is efficient’ are almost or totally unfalsifiable.
I was a miserable child. When I was nine years old I remember watching one and thinking “I have almost a decade left to serve. This is a long sentence for an adult and im just a kid. But at least I will get out one day”.
I was eventually set free. But until my freedom came all I could really do was bide my time and try to cope with the torture. And I most certainly consider it torture in retrospect. I was physically assaulted by my dad and I was horribly, horribly sleep deprived. But I managed to keep some of my sanity and pick up some MTG cards I later sold at a large profit. It could have been a lot worse for future me.
Love is true if you will fight for it. Not destroy yourself, not commit suicide but fight bravely.
I have spent weeks where pretty much all I did was:
-- have sex with my partner, hours per day
—watch anime with my partner
—eat food and ambiently hand with my partner
No work. Not much seeing other people. Of course given the amount of sex mundane situations were quite sexually charged. I’m not actually sure if it gets old on any human timeline. You also improve at having fun together. However this was not very good for our practical. But post singularity I probably wont need to worry about practical goals.
In general I think you underestimate the sustainable fun available to at least some humans under minimal conditions. I also found my two months meditating in a tent quite fun. Many people report this never gets old on human timelines either. Until your heath is so terrible you cannot even meditate well it remains fun, or improves!
I do not think you need supermeth to enjoy hedonism. Current human bodies work fine as long as they are in good shape and you have the right disposition. The issue is that if you delve deep into hedonism you will lose out on other things you could have obtained.