[Question] What are the weirdest things a human may want for their own sake?

I’m especially interested in examples of more or less psychologically healthy and otherwise (neuro)typical people having very weird[1] desires/​values that we would characterize as intrinsic in the sense of being wanted for their own sake, even if we could explain their development as linked to a more typical human drive.

But I’m also somewhat interested in examples of very out-of-distribution desires/​values in very [otherwise psychologically out-of-distribution] people.

Some intermediate cases that come to my mind; I’m centrally interested in things weirder than that:

  • Paul Erdös’s obsession with mathematics is probably an intermediate case, i.e., it’s just an extreme case of “a normal human passion”.

  • Some fetishes, e.g., what’s the deal with feedism or dirtiness? (See also this podcast episode for an evopsych explanation of BDSM.)

  • Maybe there would be some cultures that install very weird terminal values. I was somewhat surprised that some South Pacific cultures viewed heterosexuality as sinful.

  1. ^

    Obviously, this is a parochial criterion in that the values that seem “weird” to us would seem “normal” to the people who have those values. That’s fine.