Rules for living in a 99.9+% lizardman world

[Redacted a few paragraphs talking about why it seems like I’m living in a 99.9+% lizardman world. Unlikely to convince anyone who doesn’t already think this, and will probably offend a bunch of people, such as the ones I used as examples.]

  1. Don’t make things worse. If you find yourself in a 99.9+% lizardman world, then you might well be a lizardman yourself, so don’t unilaterally do anything high impact.

  2. Gather resources and use them to protect people close to you as best as you can (maybe not from superintelligent AI but there are probably other dangers in a 99.9+% lizardman world).

  3. Chill out about “lost potential value of the light cone.” In a 99.9+% lizardman world, how much potential value was there to begin with?

  4. Don’t totally give up. For example, try to come up with good ideas and spread good ideas non-coercively. Maybe there are some hidden dynamics ensuring that good ideas win out in the end even in this kind of world. You never know!