[Question] Will the Bitcoin fee market actually work?

Based on other posts I’ve seen on here, many of you are Bitcoiners. While I clearly see the value proposition, I have a few questions about the protocol that haven’t been answered, and I figure the lesswrong audience is my best change.

1.) Will the fee market actually work?

Is there any evidence of a fee market working, incentive wise? Gold used inflationary proof-of-work indefinitely. Miners extract value from the monetary network by making more gold. They can increase or decrease their mining efforts due to supply and demand. This yielded a 1-2% inflation rate into perpetuity, and acted as a stable monetary system for many centuries.

Bitcoin… is trying to replace the model of inflation-paid-to-the-miners with one of voluntary fees. Has that every been tried? Are there economic reasons to strongly believe the network will remain secure as the block subsidy goes down?

2.) Will lightning ever work?

My understanding is that the current lightning network is more of a proof-of-concept, rather than an actually useful, scalable solution today. It’s almost impossible to settle on the main chain, because the TPS of the main chain is so low. Additionally, there are denial of service security issues and logistical overheads like watchtowers that make it relatively impractical in its current state.

Bitcoiners don’t seem bothered by this. Is there a good reason to believe this is just technology in its infancy, and these structural problems will slowly be solved?

3.) Can deflationary money work?

Human beings are loss averse, and most of the monetary systems throughout the world have had slight inflation to offset this. Slight loss aversion = spending too little compared to what you should be. Slight inflation is a pressure to spend more than you’d like, so it offsets the loss aversion.

I’m not sure a human biased economy can actually function on a deflationary standard, because people actually won’t spend on things that would economically benefit them, because they’re so attached to the appreciating currency.

Trying to get answers to these questions on reddit was abysmal… but we’ve got a different audience here, so hopefully someone can help me out. Thanks.