Have you considered getting rid of death?

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No person who wishes to continue living should have to die, ever. Check out the post on substack!

I believe that human immortality (increasing healthspan, eliminating causes of death, etc.) is something we as a species ought to urgently work towards. I am not a scientist, so I will primarily talk about the philosophical, political, and governance related implications of longevity.

I intend to increase my knowledge of biology & other important to immortality disciplines because that’s enjoyable but also so that I may more accurately evaluate people, policies, and projects in the longevity /​ immortality space. Any suggestions for increasing my biology knowledge? I’m at about a “took biology for science majors in undergrad plus has read biology popular science books for fun” knowledge level right now.

EDIT 2022/​09/​13: I’ve created a Google Group called Immortality Studies to serve as a public discussion & mailing list plus coordination point for all of us interested in getting rid of death. I prefer to communicate about this subject area publicly, but you are welcome to message me here on LessWrong or email me at walambert@pm.me for private conversations (it may take me some time to get back to you since I have little slack in my life right now and am also prioritizing public conversations for coordination & transparency reasons).