[Question] Why do we talk about autism (spectrum) without talking about borderline p.d.?

On this site I have repeatedly seen talk about autism spectrum disorder and it is obvious to me why many of those who think about rationality and of those who “are on the spectrum” would be the same people.

Just because the consequences and domains of failure are similar they even get misdiagnosed for another. To me it is the same spectrum. They are not similar, they are opposites.

Is there anything that speaks against this assumption, hypothesis?

Resources: https://​​www.youtube.com/​​watch?v=D_7l2cw93a8 https://​​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​​pmc/​​articles/​​PMC5590952/​​ https://​​www.frontiersin.org/​​articles/​​10.3389/​​fpsyg.2021.626353/​​full https://​​www.rightpro.org.uk/​​s/​​article/​​Autism-and-Emotionally-Unstable-Borderline-Personality-Problems