Contra Nora Belrose on Orthogonality Thesis Being Trivial

Disagreeing with Eliezer Y., Nora Belrose calls the Orthogonality Thesis “trivial, false or meaningless/​confused”.

I think this is wrong. For instance, without the orthogonality thesis, one might think that in order to improve the world, one should charge ahead in creating an AGI, which would automatically use its superior intelligence to figure out the meaning of life and achieve it.

You might think this is stupid, but some significant people believe it. For example, some guy named E. Yudkowsky who used to run an organization for creating AGI wrote an argument like this, but thanks to Eliezer Y.’s reasoning about the orthogonality thesis and related topics, he eventually changed his mind. Clearly the orthogonality thesis is nontrivially useful for cases like this.