in fact, never use an inhaled or injected recreational drug, period—the fast uptake is extremely dangerous and will likely actually knock your motivation system off balance hard enough to probably ruin your life.
I don’t think this can be remotely justified by the evidence, formal or anecdotal. Inhaling weed isn’t dangerous, let alone extremely so, and will almost certainly not ruin anyone’s life, as the hundreds of millions of happy users can attest (get yours today!) Hell, shisha is an inhaled recreational drug!
I’m not sure it makes sense to generalise about an entire method of delivery, when all sorts of substances with very different effects can be consumed that way.
The weed thing is not true. It can sap your motivation acutely, and perhaps even have a more sustained (if definitely temporary) effect. But it certainly doesn’t ruin your life by instantly “knocking your motivational system off balance”.