
TagLast edit: 24 Dec 2021 2:27 UTC by Lost Futures

Quoting Jason Crawford’s Technological Stagnation: Why I came around:

Thiel, along with economists such as Tyler Cowen (The Great Stagnation) and Robert Gordon (The Rise and Fall of American Growth), promotes a “stagnation hypothesis”: that there has been a significant slowdown in scientific, technological, and economic progress in recent decades—say, for a round number, since about 1970, or the last ~50 years.

Eliezer has posted a short work of fiction on Reddit which explores related ideas.

Related Pages: Progress Studies, Bureaucracy, World Modeling

Tech­nolog­i­cal stag­na­tion: Why I came around

jasoncrawford23 Jan 2021 22:05 UTC
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1960: The Year The Sin­gu­lar­ity Was Cancelled

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Where is my Fly­ing Car?

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A re­view of Where Is My Fly­ing Car? by J. Storrs Hall

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Ex­po­nen­tial growth is the baseline

jasoncrawford22 Feb 2021 2:08 UTC
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Progress, Stag­na­tion, & Collapse

abramdemski22 Jul 2021 16:51 UTC
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Book Re­view: Sec­u­lar Cycles

Scott Alexander13 Aug 2019 4:10 UTC
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Death by Red Tape

abramdemski1 May 2021 18:03 UTC
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The Rise and Fall of Amer­i­can Growth: A summary

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“Hereti­cal Thoughts on AI” by Eli Dourado

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Thiel on Progress and Stagnation

Richard_Ngo20 Jul 2020 20:27 UTC
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How to end stag­na­tion?

jasoncrawford1 Mar 2021 19:42 UTC
36 points
35 comments4 min readLW link

More power to you

jasoncrawford15 Dec 2021 23:50 UTC
16 points
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How to an­a­lyze progress, stag­na­tion, and low-hang­ing fruit

jasoncrawford15 Jun 2020 21:02 UTC
42 points
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Peter Thiel warns of up­com­ing (and cur­rent) stagnation

SilasBarta4 Oct 2011 17:30 UTC
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On Es­cap­ing The Sta­tus Quo

Ismail12 Nov 2023 18:40 UTC
1 point
0 comments3 min readLW link

Why Job Dis­place­ment Pre­dic­tions are Wrong: Ex­pla­na­tions of Cog­ni­tive Automation

Moritz Wallawitsch30 May 2023 20:43 UTC
−4 points
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if you’re read­ing this it’s too late (a new the­ory on what is caus­ing the Great Stag­na­tion)

rogersbacon8 Jun 2023 11:49 UTC
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Why haven’t we cel­e­brated any ma­jor achieve­ments lately?

jasoncrawford17 Aug 2020 20:34 UTC
194 points
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Is Science Slow­ing Down?

Scott Alexander27 Nov 2018 3:30 UTC
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Can growth con­tinue?

jasoncrawford27 May 2022 16:19 UTC
28 points
22 comments3 min readLW link

Is growth lin­ear, not ex­po­nen­tial?

jasoncrawford20 Apr 2022 18:46 UTC
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