Adap­ta­tion Executors

TagLast edit: 10 Oct 2022 15:40 UTC by aag

Modeling biological systems as Adaption Executors is a central principle of evolutionary biology in general, and evolutionary psychology in particular.

If we regarded human taste buds as trying to maximize fitness, we might expect that, say, humans fed a diet too high in calories and too low in micronutrients would begin to find lettuce delicious and cheeseburgers distasteful. But it is better to regard taste buds as an executing adaptation—they are adapted to an ancestral environment in which calories, not micronutrients, were the limiting factor. And now they are simply executing that adaptation—evolution operates on too slow a timescale to re-adapt to such a recent condition.

Evolution is ultimately just a historical-statistical macrofact about which ancestors did in fact reproduce. These genes then execute again, as they did previously. And so the behavior of the organism is often better interpreted in terms of what worked in the past, rather than what should work in the future. The organism’s genes are, in fact, the causal result of what worked in the past, and certainly not a causal result of the future.

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See also

Selec­tion vs Control

abramdemski2 Jun 2019 7:01 UTC
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Satis­ficers want to be­come maximisers

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The Power of Agency

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Evolu­tion­ary Psychology

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The Cog­ni­tive Costs to Do­ing Things

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Is Mo­ral­ity Given?

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The en­emy within

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[SEQ RERUN] Adap­ta­tion-Ex­ecu­tors, not Fit­ness Maximizers

MinibearRex23 Oct 2011 2:55 UTC
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The Evolu­tion­ary-Cog­ni­tive Boundary

Eliezer Yudkowsky12 Feb 2009 16:44 UTC
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Adap­ta­tion-Ex­e­cuters, not Fit­ness-Maximizers

Eliezer Yudkowsky11 Nov 2007 6:39 UTC
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Mo­ti­va­tions, Nat­u­ral Selec­tion, and Cur­ricu­lum Engineering

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De­liber­a­tion Every­where: Sim­ple Examples

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Hu­mans aren’t fit­ness maximizers

So8res4 Oct 2022 1:31 UTC
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Dep­re­cated: Some hu­mans are fit­ness maximizers

Shoshannah Tekofsky4 Oct 2022 19:38 UTC
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Mo­ti­vat­ing Align­ment of LLM-Pow­ered Agents: Easy for AGI, Hard for ASI?

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Could evolu­tion pro­duce some­thing truly al­igned with its own op­ti­miza­tion stan­dards? What would an an­swer to this mean for AI al­ign­ment?

No77e8 Jan 2023 11:04 UTC
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7. Evolu­tion and Ethics

RogerDearnaley15 Feb 2024 23:38 UTC
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self-im­prove­ment-ex­ecu­tors are not goal-maximizers

bhauth1 Jun 2023 20:46 UTC
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Not an­other bias!

Lionel5 Jun 2023 17:50 UTC
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A study on depression

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Cyn­i­cism in Ev-Psych (and Econ?)

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Reli­gion as Goodhart

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If it looks like util­ity max­i­mizer and quacks like util­ity max­i­mizer...

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Rep­re­sen­ta­tive democ­racy awe­some­ness hypothesis

taw18 Jun 2009 3:02 UTC
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Some real ex­am­ples of gra­di­ent hacking

Oliver Sourbut22 Nov 2021 0:11 UTC
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