Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality Bookshelves

A while back in the Columbus Rationality group, we started wondering: What books would the Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality houses have in each of their libraries? We had fun categorizing different subjects:

  • Gryffindor—Combat, ethics, and justice

  • Ravenclaw—Philosophy, cognitive science, and math

  • Slytherin -Influence and power

  • Hufflepuff—Happiness, productivity, and friendship

And so, I found myself taking all my books off their shelves this weekend and picking the best to represent each rationality!House and made them into Facebook cover-image-sized pictures. Click each image to see it larger, with a list on the left:

(first posted at Measure of Doubt)

I’m always open to book recommendations and suggestions for good fits. What other books would be especially appropriate for each shelf?