Are healthy choices effective for improving live expectancy anymore?

The usual way to improve your life expectancy is through a healthy lifestyle of some-sort, especially during peace time.

However, in many plausible futures, personal health now seems to have little effect:

  • We create aligned AGI: aligned AGI could presumably solve any health problems we accumulated due to our lifestyle choices.

  • We create unaligned AGI: unaligned AGI would definitely solve any health problems we accumulated due to our lifestyle choices.

  • Humans solve aging without AGI: health problems we accumulated probably don’t matter in this scenario.

  • Some other existential crisis occurs.

Whereas the scenarios where health choices do effect longevity seem slim:

  • Humans do not invent AGI and to do not solve aging themselves and no existential catastrophes occur in your lifetime

  • No existential catastrophes occur, we/​an AI do find a cure for aging, but medical regulations prevent the cure from being distributed widely (please no 🙏).

One important consideration to keep in mind though is that things that extend our life expectancy usually have short term health benefits as well. For example, sleep, diet, and exercise have a massive effect on energy levels. But if you’re only optimizing short-term health, does the optimal lifestyle look different?