LessWrong search traffic doubles

LessWrong search traffic doubles… despite Google thinking our site is a pro-family pro-democracy astrology blog! More on that in a minute.

First, The Good News: Since I started doing SEO on LessWrong (10 months ago) search traffic from Google has doubled! It took researching >200 different techniques—actually implementing 14 of them (w/​ help from Tricycle) -- 2 of which I think are responsible for most of the improvement:

  • Reversing titles (e.g., “Less Wrong—OMG Scholarship!” → “OMG Scholarship! - Less Wrong”)

  • No-Following /​ No-Indexing a complex set of duplicate content

The analytics make me believe that this improvement is due to structural changes and not just generally increased traffic. But it certainly hasn’t hurt that people have been writing new content and that HP:MoR exists.

Anyway, I’m really happy about this! This was the explicit goal I set for myself 10 months ago. It’s nice to achieve goals… especially unreasonably ambitious ones.

So… YAY!! :D

OK, Now, The Bad News: So I was trying to figure out why we never get any traction for search terms like “rationality” when I looked through Google Webmaster tools. This is what Google thinks our site is about, keyword wise:

Keyword Occurrences
vote 196504
points 152881
permalink 95106
children 84578
parent 56374
people 37047
it’s 27082
march 21846
february 21520
january 20425
human 19587
december 18005
september 15695
august 15667
password 15377
april 14714
october 14011
seem 12822
november 11546
july 11265
june 9283
world 8542
post 8496
actual 8251
probability 8114
child 7828
moral 7787
work 7143
might 6250
new 6156
theory 5827
argument 5639
read 5278
utility 5206
account 5002
evident 4777
belief 4749
remember 4691
recent 4584
intelligent 4582
science 4424
eliezer 4384
doesn’t 4339
rationality 4188
brain 3969
decision 3904
life 3795
username 3732
mind 3721

All the keywords that I bolded are purely structural elements of the Less Wrong site layout. And it appears Google actually is punishing our site for this keyword density imbalance. Google really does think our site is about voting, parenting, and astrology. And while I find it somewhat hilarious that our top source of Google impressions (27,000/​mo) is for the keyword “babies”, I also lament that the keyword “rationality” is our #3955 source of traffic. We should invert this.

So does anyone have any ideas? How do other sites solve this problem?