[Question] COVID China Personal Advice (No mRNA vax, possible hospital overload, bug-chasing edition)

So, uh, things in China are getting a bit interesting.

There’s a general consensus that the public COVID numbers no longer reflect reality. Baidu started hiding their case tracking display. Their last updates had weird inconsistencies between asymptomatic and symptomatic cases. Testing stations are going offline. While previously a single case of close contact would have been enough to shut down an entire college, now facilities are running even with multiple symptomatic cases. Every time things have loosened to this degree before, cases have spiked. Many people I know mentioned family members being infected, some of which are unreported, while official case numbers are on the decline. The security people who checked health app codes aren’t even pretending to care anymore. I was explicitly told not to show them my health codes when I come to work today. Lines for testing booths at peak times are basically non-existent.

I think this is it. COVID will go full endemic in China. Exponential.

I’m in my late 20s and in great physical condition. I exercise multiple times a week (weightlifting only). Unfortunately, I only have 2 shots of Sinovac. I’m planning to get some dental work taken care of this weekend and will get a third shot if it’s available.

I think I have 2 options, really. First, I fly to Hong Kong and get the mRNA vax there, which an executive at my company mentioned she planned to do. Not sure if the EV is going to be positive, and I’ll have to take a week off work. Second, I go to a hospital/​visit a poz family friend and intentionally poz myself ASAP before the hospitals get overloaded.

Overall, I’m not too concerned, but am interested in what you guys think. I would also love to hear any investment advice from those familiar with Chinese markets.