[Question] Is there an Ultimate text editor?

Is there a text editor that allows me to

  • enter normal text,

  • latex that is rendered in line, but is derendered when my cursor is over the latex,

  • draw images in line directly in the text editor, e.g. using a drawing tablet,

  • has headings like emacs org mode, that you can collapse the headings and nest them arbitrarily deep, and you can rearrange the headings. For example if you think of the headings as trees, we can move an entire subtree of headings at a certain level of depth before or after leaf notes in the tree, e.g. that exists a shortcut, such that I can turn this tree

  • item 1 -item 2

  • item 3

into this one

  • item 3

  • item 1 -item 2

  • Ideally the program would also have a mobile app, where you can edit your notes from.

  • vim mode would be nice too

  • being a zettlekasten like roam research would be nice

Here a program so I already know which don’t satisfy all of the requirements. Especially the inline image drawing one.

  • obsidian

  • emacs org mode

  • roam research

  • one note

So far nothing seems better than org mode.