
Karma: 39,930

There Should Be More Align­ment-Driven Startups

31 May 2024 2:05 UTC
51 points
13 comments11 min readLW link

On plans for a func­tional society

12 Dec 2023 0:07 UTC
41 points
8 comments13 min readLW link

Se­condary Risk Markets

Vaniver11 Dec 2023 21:52 UTC
35 points
4 comments4 min readLW link

Vaniver’s thoughts on An­thropic’s RSP

Vaniver28 Oct 2023 21:06 UTC
46 points
4 comments3 min readLW link

Truth­seek­ing, EA, Si­mu­lacra lev­els, and other stuff

27 Oct 2023 23:56 UTC
44 points
12 comments9 min readLW link

More or Fewer Fights over Prin­ci­ples and Values?

15 Oct 2023 21:35 UTC
24 points
10 comments14 min readLW link

Long-Term Fu­ture Fund: April 2023 grant recommendations

2 Aug 2023 7:54 UTC
81 points
3 comments50 min readLW link

A So­cial His­tory of Truth

Vaniver31 Jul 2023 22:49 UTC
64 points
2 comments13 min readLW link

Fron­tier Model Security

Vaniver26 Jul 2023 4:48 UTC
31 points
1 comment3 min readLW link

Ben­gio’s FAQ on Catas­trophic AI Risks

Vaniver29 Jun 2023 23:04 UTC
39 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Weight by Impact

Vaniver21 May 2023 14:37 UTC
29 points
1 comment3 min readLW link

Recom­men­da­tion: Bug Boun­ties and Re­spon­si­ble Dis­clo­sure for Ad­vanced ML Systems

Vaniver17 Feb 2023 20:11 UTC
124 points
11 comments2 min readLW link

Pre­dic­tion Mar­kets for Science

Vaniver2 Jan 2023 17:55 UTC
27 points
7 comments5 min readLW link

Sys­tems of Survival

Vaniver9 Dec 2022 5:13 UTC
63 points
5 comments5 min readLW link

Notes on Notes on the Syn­the­sis of Form

Vaniver6 Oct 2022 2:36 UTC
24 points
0 comments6 min readLW link

A Pat­tern Lan­guage For Rationality

Vaniver5 Jul 2022 19:08 UTC
75 points
14 comments15 min readLW link

Vaniver’s ELK Submission

Vaniver28 Mar 2022 21:14 UTC
10 points
0 comments7 min readLW link

Dual use of ar­tifi­cial-in­tel­li­gence-pow­ered drug discovery

Vaniver15 Mar 2022 2:52 UTC
93 points
15 comments1 min readLW link

How satis­fied should you ex­pect to be with your part­ner?

Vaniver22 Feb 2022 23:27 UTC
100 points
7 comments3 min readLW link2 reviews

2020 Re­view Article

Vaniver14 Jan 2022 4:58 UTC
74 points
3 comments7 min readLW link