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There are a few key pieces of my model of the future that make me think humans can probably retain significant amounts of property, rather than having it suddenly stolen from them as the result of other agents in the world solving a specific coordination problem.
These pieces are:
Not all AIs in the future will be superintelligent. More intelligent models appear to require more computation to run. This is both because smarter models are larger (in parameter count) and use more inference time (such as OpenAI’s o1). To save computational costs, future AIs will likely be aggressively optimized to only be as intelligent as they need to be, and no more. This means that in the future, there will likely be a spectrum of AIs of varying levels of intelligence, some much smarter than humans, others only slightly smarter, and still others merely human-level.
As a result of the previous point, your statement that “ASIs produce all value in the economy” will likely not turn out correct. This is all highly uncertain, but I find it plausible that ASIs might not even be responsible for producing the majority of GDP in the future, given the possibility of a vastly more numerous population of less intelligent AIs that automate simpler tasks than the ones ASIs are best suited to do.
The coordination problem you described appears to rely on a natural boundary between the “humans that produce ~nothing” and “the AIs that produce everything”. Without this natural boundary, there is no guarantee that AIs will solve the specific coordination problem you identified, rather than another coordination problem that hits a different group. Non-uploaded humans will differ from AIs by being biological and by being older, but they will not necessarily differ from AIs by being less intelligent.
Therefore, even if future agents decide to solve a specific coordination problem that allows them to steal wealth from unproductive agents, it is not clear that this will take the form of those agents specifically stealing from humans. One can imagine different boundaries that make more sense to coordinate around, such as “laborer vs. property owner”, which is indeed a type of political conflict the world already has experience with.
In general, I expect legal systems to get more robust in the face of greater intelligence, rather than less robust, in the sense of being able to rely on legal systems when making contracts. I believe this partly as a result of the empirical fact that violent revolution and wealth appropriation appears to be correlated with less intelligence on a societal level. I concede that this point is not a very strong piece of evidence, however.
Building on (5), I generally expect AIs to calculate that it is not in their interest to expropriate wealth from other members of society, given how this could set a precedent for future wealth expropriation that comes back and hurts them selfishly. Even though many AIs will be smarter than humans, I don’t think the mere fact that AIs will be very smart implies that expropriation becomes more rational.
I’m basically just not convinced by the arguments that all ASIs will cooperate almost perfectly as a unit, against the non-ASIs. This is partly for the reasons given by my previous points, but also partly because I think coordination is hard, and doesn’t necessarily get much easier with more intelligence, especially in a vastly larger world. When there are quadrillions of AIs in the world, coordination might become very difficult, even with greater intelligence.
Even if AIs do not specifically value human welfare, that does not directly imply that human labor will have no value. As an analogy, Amish folks often sell novelty items to earn income. Consumers don’t need to specifically care about Amish people in order for Amish people to receive a sufficient income for them to live on. Even if a tiny fraction of consumer demand in the future is for stuff produced by humans, that could ensure high human wages simply because the economy will be so large.
If ordinary capital is easier to scale than labor—as it already is in our current world—then human wages could remain high indefinitely simply because we will live in a capital-rich, labor-poor world. The arguments about human wages falling to subsistence level after AI tend to rely on the idea that AIs will be just as easy to scale as ordinary capital, which could easily turn out false as a consequence of (1) laws that hinder the creation of new AIs without proper permitting, (2) inherent difficulties with AI alignment, or (3) strong coordination that otherwise prevents malthusian growth in the AI population.
This might be the most important point on my list, despite saying it last, but I think humans will likely be able to eventually upgrade their intelligence, better allowing them to “keep up” with the state of the world in the future.
Can you be more clear about what you were asking in your initial comment?
I don’t think my scenario depends on the assumption that the preferences of a consumer are a given to the AI. Why would it?
Do you mean that I am assuming AIs cannot have their preferences modified, i.e., that we cannot solve AI alignment? I am not assuming that; at least, I’m not trying to assume that. I think AI alignment might be easy, and it is at least theoretically possible to modify an AI’s preferences to be whatever one chooses.
If AI alignment is hard, then creating AIs is more comparable to creating children than creating a tool, in the sense that we have some control over their environment, but we have little control over what they end up ultimately preferring. Biology fixes a lot of innate preferences, such as preferences over thermal regulation of the body, preferences against pain, and preferences for human interaction. AI could be like that too, at least in an abstract sense. Standard economic models seem perfectly able to cope with this state of affairs, as it is the default state of affairs that we already live with.
On the other hand, if AI preferences can be modified into whatever shape we’d like, then these preferences will presumably take on the preferences of AI designers or AI owners (if AIs are owned by other agents). In that case, I think economic models can handle AI agents fine: you can essentially model them as extensions of other agents, whose preferences are more-or-less fixed themselves.
It is a wonderfully American notion that an “existing system of law and property rights” will constrain the power of Gods. But why exactly? They can make contracts? And who enforces these contracts? Can you answer this without begging the question? Are judicial systems particularly unhackable? Are humans?
To be clear, my prediction is not that AIs will be constrained by human legal systems that are enforced by humans. I’d claim rather that future legal systems will be enforced by AIs, and that these legal systems will descend from our current legal systems, and thus will inherit many of their properties. This does not mean that I think everything about our laws will remain the same in the face of superintelligence, or that our legal system will not evolve at all.
It does not seem unrealistic to me to assume that powerful AIs could be constrained by other powerful AIs. Humans currently constrain each other; why couldn’t AIs constrain each other?
“Existing system of law and property rights” looks like a “thought-terminating cliché” to me.
By contrast, I suspect the words “superintelligence” and “gods” have become thought-terminating cliches on LessWrong.
Any discussion about the realistic implications of AI must contend with the fact that AIs will be real physical beings with genuine limitations, not omnipotent deities with unlimited powers to command and control the world. They may be extremely clever, their minds may be vast, they may be able to process far more information than we can comprehend, but they will not be gods.
I think it is too easy to avoid the discussion of what AIs may or may not do, realistically, by assuming that AIs will break every rule in the book, and assume the form of an inherently uncontrollable entity with no relevant constraints on its behavior (except for physical constraints, like the speed of light). We should probably resist the temptation to talk about AI like this.
The claim at hand, that we have both read Eliezer repeatedly make[1], is that there is a sufficient level of intelligence and a sufficient power of nanotechnology that within days or weeks a system could design and innocuously build a nanotechnology factory out of simple biological materials that goes on to build either a disease or a cellular-sized drones that would quickly cause an extinction event — perhaps a virus that spreads quickly around the world with a replication rate that allows it to spread globally before any symptoms are found, or a series of diamond-based machines that can enter the bloodstream and explode on a coordinated signal. This is such a situation where no response from human civilization would occur, and the argument that an AI ought to be worried about people with guns and bombs coming for its data centers has no relevance.
Sure, I have also read Eliezer repeatedly make that claim. On the meta level, I don’t think the fact that he has written about this specific scenario fully makes up for the vagueness in his object-level essay above. But I’m also happy to briefly reply on the object level on this particular narrow point:
In short, I interpret Eliezer to be making a mistake by assuming that the world will not adapt to anticipated developments in nanotechnology and AI in order to protect against various attacks that we can easily see coming, prior to the time that AIs will be capable of accomplishing these incredible feats. By the time AIs are capable of developing such advanced molecular nanotech, I think the world will have already been dramatically transformed by prior waves of technologies, many of which by themselves could importantly change the gameboard, and change what it means for humans to have defenses against advanced nanotech to begin with.
As a concrete example, I think it’s fairly plausible that, by the time artificial superintelligences can create fully functional nanobots that are on-par with or better than biological machines, we will have already developed uploading technology that allows humans to literally become non-biological, implying that we can’t be killed by a virus in the first place. This would reduce the viability of using a virus to cause humanity to go extinct, increasing human robustness.
As a more general argument, and by comparison to Eliezer, I think that nanotechnology will probably be developed more incrementally and predictably, rather than suddenly upon the creation of a superintelligent AI, and the technology will be diffused across civilization, rather than existing solely in the hands of a small lab run by an AI. I also think Eliezer seems to be imagining that superintelligent AI will be created in a world that looks broadly similar to our current world, with defensive technologies that are only roughly as powerful as the ones that exist in 2024. However, I don’t think that will be the case.
Given an incremental and diffuse development trajectory, and transformative precursor technologies to mature nanotech, I expect society will have time to make preparations as the technology is developed, allowing us to develop defenses to such dramatic nanotech attacks alongside the offensive nanotechnologies that will also eventually be developed. It therefore seems unlikely to me that society will be completely caught by surprise by fully-developed-molecular nanotechnology, without any effective defenses.
I don’t know what sort of fight you are imagining humans having with nanotech that imposes substantial additional costs on the ASI beyond the part where it needs to build & deploy the nanotech that actually does the “killing” part, but in this world I do not expect there to be a fight.
The additional costs of human resistance don’t need to be high in an absolute sense. These costs only need to be higher than the benefit of killing humans, for your argument fail.
It is likewise very easy for the United States to invade and occupy Costa Rica—but that does not imply that it is rational for the United States to do so, because the benefits of invading Costa Rica are presumably even smaller than the costs of taking such an action, even without much unified resistance from Costa Rica.
What matters for the purpose of this argument is the relative magnitude of costs vs. benefits, not the absolute magnitude of the costs. It is insufficient to argue that the costs of killing humans are small. That fact alone does not imply that it is rational to kill humans, from the perspective of an AI. You need to further argue that the benefits of killing humans are even larger to establish the claim that a misaligned AI should rationally kill us.
To the extent your statement that “I don’t expect there to be a fight” means that you don’t think humans can realistically resist in any way that imposes costs on AIs, that’s essentially what I meant to respond to when I talked about the idea of AIs being able to achieve their goals at “zero costs”.
Of course, if you assume that AIs will be able to do whatever they want without any resistance whatsoever from us, then you can of course conclude that they will be able to achieve any goals they want without needing to compromise with us. If killing humans doesn’t cost anything, then yes I agree, the benefits of killing humans, however small, will be higher, and thus it will be rational for AIs to kill humans. I am doubting the claim that the cost of killing humans will be literally zero.
Even if this cost is small, it merely needs to be larger than the benefits of killing humans, for AIs to rationally avoid killing humans.
There does not yet exist a single ten-million-word treatise which provides an end-to-end argument of the level of detail you’re looking for.
To be clear, I am not objecting to the length of his essay. It’s OK to be brief.
I am objecting to the vagueness of the argument. It follows a fairly typical pattern of certain MIRI essays by heavily relying on analogies, debunking straw characters, using metaphors rather than using clear and explicit English, and using stories as arguments, instead of concisely stating the exact premises and implications. I am objecting to the rhetorical flourish, not the word count.
This type of writing may be suitable for persuasion, but it does not seem very suitable for helping people build rigorous models of the world, which I also think is more important when posting on LessWrong.
My current guess is that you do not think that kind of nanotech is physically realizable by any ASI we are going to develop (including post-RSI), or maybe you think the ASI will be cognitively disadvantaged compared to humans in domains that it thinks are important (in ways that it can’t compensate for, or develop alternatives for, somehow).
I think neither of those things, and I entirely reject the argument that AIs will be fundamentally limited in the future in the way you suggested. If you are curious about why I think AIs will plausibly peacefully trade with humans in the future, rather than disassembling humans for their atoms, I would instead point to the facts that:
Trying to disassemble someone for their atoms is typically something the person will try to fight very hard against, if they become aware of your intentions to disassemble them.
Therefore, the cost of attempting to disassemble someone for their atoms does not merely include the technical costs associated with actually disassembling them, but additionally includes: (1) fighting the person who you are trying to kill and disassemble, (2) fighting whatever norms and legal structures are in place to prevent this type of predation against other agents in the world, and (3) the indirect cost of becoming the type of agent who predates on another person in this manner, which could make you an untrustworthy and violent person in the eyes of other agents, including other AIs who might fear you.
The benefit of disassembling a human is quite small, given the abundance of raw materials that substitute almost perfectly for the atoms that you can get from a human.
A rational agent will typically only do something if the benefits of the action outweigh the costs, rather than merely because the costs are small. Even if the costs of disassembling a human (as identified in point (2)) are small, that fact alone does not imply that a rational superintelligent AI would take such an action, precisely because the benefits of that action could be even smaller. And as just stated, we have good reasons to think that the benefits of disassembling a human are quite small in an absolute sense.
Therefore, it seems unlikely, or at least seems non-obvious, that a rational agent—even a very powerful one with access to advanced nanotech—will try to disassemble humans for their atoms.
Nothing in this argument is premised on the idea that AIs will be weak, less intelligent than humans, bounded in their goals, or limited in some other respect, except I suppose to the extent I’m assuming that AIs will be subject to environmental constraints, as opposed to instantly being able to achieve all of their goals at literally zero costs. I think AIs, like all physical beings, will exist in a universe in which they cannot get literally everything they want, and achieve the exact optimum of their utility function without any need to negotiate with anyone else. In other words, even if AIs are very powerful, I still think it may be beneficial for them to compromise with other agents in the world, including the humans, who are comparatively much less powerful than they are.
If it is possible to trivially fill in the rest of his argument, then I think it is better for him to post that, instead of posting something that needs to be filled-in, and which doesn’t actually back up the thesis that people are interpreting him as arguing for. Precision is a virtue, and I’ve seen very few essays that actually provide this point about trade explicitly, as opposed to essays that perhaps vaguely allude to the points you have given, as this one apparently does too.
In my opinion, your filled-in argument seems to be a great example of why precision is necessary: to my eye, it contains bald assertions and unjustified inferences about a highly speculative topic, in a way that barely recognizes the degree of uncertainty we have about this domain. As a starting point, why does nanotech imply that it will be cheaper to disassemble humans than to trade with them? Are we assuming that humans cannot fight back against being disassembled, and moreover, is the threat of fighting back being factored into the cost-benefit analysis when the AIs are deciding whether to disassemble humans for their atoms vs. trade with them? Are our atoms really that valuable that it is worth it to pay the costs of violence to obtain them? And why are we assuming that “there will not be other AIs around at the time which 1) would be valuable trade partners for the AI that develops that technology (which gives it that decisive strategic advantage over everyone else) and 2) care about humans at all”?
Satisfying-sounding answers to each of these questions could undoubtedly be given, and I assume you can provide them. I don’t expect to find the answers fully persuasive, but regardless of what you think on the object-level, my basic meta-point stands: none of this stuff is obvious, and the essay is extremely weak without the added details that back up its background assumptions. It is very important to try to be truth-seeking and rigorously evaluate arguments on their merits. The fact that this essay is vague, and barely attempts to make a serious argument for one of its central claims, makes it much more difficult to evaluate concretely.
Two reasonable people could read this essay and come away with two very different ideas about what the essay is even trying to argue, given how much unstated inference you’re meant to “fill in”, instead of plain text that you can read. This is a problem, even if you agree with the underlying thesis the essay is supposed to argue for.
If we could create AI’s that follows the existing system of law and property rights (including the intent of the laws, and doesn’t exploit loopholes, and doesn’t maliciously comply with laws, and doesn’t try to get the law changed, etc.) then that would be a solution to the alignment problem, but the problem is that we don’t know how to do that.
I disagree that creating an agent that follows the existing system of law and property rights, and acts within it rather than trying to undermine it, would count as a solution to the alignment problem.
Imagine a man who only cared about himself and had no altruistic impulses whatsoever. However, this man reasoned that, “If I disrespect the rule of law, ruthlessly exploit loopholes in the legal system, and maliciously comply with the letter of the law while disregarding its intent, then other people will view me negatively and trust me less as a consequence. If I do that, then people will be less likely to want to become my trading partner, they’ll be less likely to sign onto long-term contracts with me, I might accidentally go to prison because of an adversarial prosecutor and an unsympathetic jury, and it will be harder to recruit social allies. These are all things that would be very selfishly costly. Therefore, for my own selfish benefit, I should generally abide by most widely established norms and moral rules in the modern world, including the norm of following intent of the law, rather than merely the letter of the law.”
From an outside perspective, this person would essentially be indistinguishable from a normal law-abiding citizen who cared about other people. Perhaps the main difference between this person and a “normal” person is that this man wouldn’t partake in much private altruism like donating to charity anonymously; but that type of behavior is rare anyway among the general public. Nonetheless, despite appearing outwardly-aligned, this person would be literally misaligned with the rest of humanity in a basic sense: they do not care about other people. If it were not instrumentally rational for this person to respect the rights of other citizens, they would have no issue throwing away someone else’s life for a dollar.
My basic point here is this: it is simply not true that misaligned agents have no incentive to obey the law. Misaligned agents typically have ample incentives to follow the law. Indeed, it has often been argued that the very purpose of law itself is to resolve disputes between misaligned agents. As James Madison once said, “If Men were angels, no government would be necessary.” His point is that, if we were all mutually aligned with each other, we would have no need for the coercive mechanism of the state in order to get along.
What’s true for humans could be true for AIs too. However, obviously, there is one key distinction: AIs could eventually become far more powerful than individual humans, or humanity-as-a-whole. Perhaps this means that future AIs will have strong incentives to break the law rather than abide by it; perhaps they will act outside a system of law rather than influencing the world from within a system of law? Many people on LessWrong seem to think so.
My response to this argument is multifaceted, and I won’t go into it in this comment. But suffice to say for the purpose of my response here, I think it is clear that mere misalignment is insufficient to imply that an agent will not adhere to the rule of law. This statement is clear enough with the example of the sociopathic man I gave above, and at minimum seems probably true for human-level AIs as well. I would appreciate if people gave more rigorous arguments otherwise.
As I see it, very few such rigorous arguments have so far been given for the position that future AIs will generally act outside of, rather than within, the existing system of law, in order to achieve their goals.
I think the arguments in this post are an okay defense of “ASI wouldn’t spare humanity because of trade”
I disagree, and I’d appreciate if someone would precisely identify the argument they found compelling in this post that argues for that exact thesis. As far as I can tell, the post makes the following supporting arguments for its claims (summarized):
Asking an unaligned superintelligence to spare humans is like asking Bernard Arnalt to donate $77 to you.
The law of comparative advantage does not imply that superintelligences will necessarily pay a high price for what humans have to offer, because of the existence of alternative ways for a superintelligence to get what it wants.
Superintelligences will “go hard enough” in the sense of using all reachable resources, rather than utilizing only some resources in the solar system and then stopping.
I claim that any actual argument for the proposition — that future unaligned AIs will not spare humanity because of trade — is missing from this post. The closest the post comes to arguing for this proposition is (2), but (2) does not demonstrate the proposition, both because (2) is only a claim about what the law of comparative advantage says, and because (2) does not talk at all about what humans could have to offer in the future that might be worth trading for.
In my view, one of the primary cruxes of the discussion is whether trade is less efficient than going to war between agents with dramatically different levels of power. A thoughtful discussion could have started about the conditions under which trade usefully occurs, and the ways in which future AIs will be similar to and different from these existing analogies. For example, the post could have talked about why nation-states trade with each other even in the presence of large differences in military power, but humans don’t trade with animals. However, the post included no such discussion, choosing instead to attack a “midwit” strawman.
I was making a claim about the usual method people use to get things that they want from other people, rather than proposing an inviolable rule. Even historically, war was not the usual method people used to get what they wanted from other people. The fact that only 8% of history was “entirely without war” is compatible with the claim that the usual method people used to get what they wanted involved compromise and trade, rather than war. In particular, just because only 8% of history was “entirely without war” does not mean that only 8% of human interactions between people were without war.
Current relatively peaceful times is a unique combination in international law and postindustrial economy, when qualified labor is expencive and requires large investments in capital and resources are relatively cheap, which is not the case after singularity, when you can get arbitrary amounts of labor for the price of hardware and resources is a bottleneck.
You mentioned two major differences between the current time period and what you expect after the technological singularity:
The current time period has unique international law
The current time period has expensive labor, relative to capital
I question both the premise that good international law will cease to exist after the singularity, and the relevance of both of these claims to the central claim that AIs will automatically use war to get what they want unless they are aligned to humans.
There are many other reasons one can point to, to explain the fact that the modern world is relatively peaceful. For example, I think a big factor in explaining the current peace is that long-distance trade and communication has become easier, making the world more interconnected than ever before. I also think it’s highly likely that long-distance trade and communication will continue to be relatively easy in the future, even post-singularity.
Regarding the point about cheap labor, one could also point out that if capital is relatively expensive, this fact would provide a strong reason to avoid war, as a counter-attack targeting factories would become extremely costly. It is unclear to me why you think it is important that labor is expensive, for explaining why the world is currently fairly peaceful.
Therefore, before you have developed a more explicit and precise theory of why exactly the current world is peaceful, and how these variables are expected to evolve after the singularity, I simply don’t find this counterargument compelling.
Yudkowsky’s point about trying to sell an Oreo for $77 is that a billionaire isn’t automatically going to want to buy something off you if they don’t care about it (and neither would an ASI).
I thought Yudkowsky’s point was that the billionaire won’t give you $77 for an Oreo because they could get an Oreo for less than $77 via other means. But people don’t just have an Oreo to sell you. My point in that sentence was to bring up that workers routinely have things of value that they can sell for well over $77, even to billionaires. Similarly, I claim that Yudkowsky did not adequately show that humans won’t have things of substantial value that they can sell to future AIs.
I’m not sure anyone is arguing that smart AIs would immediately turn violent unless it was in their strategic interest
The claim I am disputing is precisely that it will be in the strategic interest of unaligned AIs to turn violent and steal from agents that are less smart than them. In that sense, I am directly countering a claim that people in these discussions routinely make.
Workers regularly trade with billionaires and earn more than $77 in wages, despite vast differences in wealth. Countries trade with each other despite vast differences in military power. In fact, some countries don’t even have military forces, or at least have a very small one, and yet do not get invaded by their neighbors or by the United States.
It is possible that these facts are explained by generosity on behalf of billionaires and other countries, but the standard social science explanation says that this is not the case. Rather, the standard explanation is that war is usually (though not always) more costly than trade, when compromise is a viable option. Thus, people usually choose to trade, rather than go to war with each other when they want stuff. This is true even in the presence of large differences in power.
I mostly don’t see this post as engaging with any of the best reasons one might expect smarter-than-human AIs to compromise with humans. By contrast to you, I think it’s important that AIs will be created within an existing system of law and property rights. Unlike animals, they’ll be able to communicate with us and make contracts. It therefore seems perfectly plausible for AIs to simply get rich within the system we have already established, and make productive compromises, rather than violently overthrowing the system itself.
That doesn’t rule out the possibility that the future will be very alien, or that it will turn out in a way that humans do not endorse. I’m also not saying that humans will always own all the wealth and control everything permanently forever. I’m simply arguing against the point that smart AIs will automatically turn violent and steal from agents who are less smart than they are unless they’re value aligned. This is a claim that I don’t think has been established with any reasonable degree of rigor.
I mean like a dozen people have now had long comment threads with you about this. I doubt this one is going to cross this seemingly large inferential gap.
I think it’s still useful to ask for concise reasons for certain beliefs. “The Fundamental Question of Rationality is: “Why do you believe what you believe?”″.
Your reasons could be different from the reasons other people give, and indeed, some of your reasons seem to be different from what I’ve heard from many others.
The short answer is that from the perspective of AI it really sucks to have basically all property be owned by humans
For what it’s worth, I don’t think humans need to own basically all property in order for AIs to obey property rights. A few alternatives come to mind: humans could have a minority share of the wealth, and AIs could have property rights with each other.
Of course, actual superhuman AI systems will not obey property rights, but that is indeed the difference between economic unemployment analysis and AI catastrophic risk.
This statement was asserted confidently enough that I have to ask: why do you believe that actual superhuman AI systems will not obey property rights?
I’m confused about the clarifications in this post. Generally speaking, I think the terms “alignment”, “takeover”, and “disempowered” are vague and can mean dramatically different things to different people. My hope when I started reading this post was to see you define these terms precisely and unambiguously. Unfortunately, I am still confused about how you are using these terms, although it could very easily be my fault for not reading carefully enough.
Here is a scenario that I want you to imagine that I think might help to clarify where I’m confused:
Suppose we grant AIs legal rights and they become integrated into our society. Humans continue to survive and thrive, but AIs eventually and gradually accumulate the vast majority of the wealth, political power, and social status in society through lawful means. These AIs are sentient, extremely competent, mostly have strange and alien-like goals, and yet are considered “people” by most humans, according to an expansive definition of that word. Importantly, they are equal in the eyes of the law, and have no limitations on their ability to hold office, write new laws, and hold other positions of power. The AIs are agentic, autonomous, plan over long time horizons, and are not enslaved to the humans in any way. Moreover, many humans also upload themselves onto computers and become AIs themselves. These humans expand their own cognition and often choose to drop the “human” label from their personal identity after they are uploaded.
Here are my questions
Does this scenario count as “AI takeover” according to you? Was it a “bad takeover”?
Are the AIs “aligned” in this scenario?
Are the humans “disempowered” in this scenario?
Was this a good or bad outcome for humanity?
And so I don’t really think that existential risk is caused by “unemployment”. People are indeed confused about the nature of comparative advantage, and mistakenly assume that lack of competetiveness will lead to loss of jobs, which will then be bad for them.
People are also confused about the meaning of words like “unemployment” and how and why it can be good or bad. If being unemployed merely means not having a job (i.e., labor force participation rate), then plenty of people are unemployed by choice, well off, happy, and doing well. These are called retired people.
One way labor force participation can be high is if everyone is starving and needs to work all day in order to survive. Another way labor force participation can be high is if it’s extremely satisfying to maintain a job and there are tons of benefits that go along with being employed. My point is that it is impossible to conclude whether it’s either “bad” or “good” if all you know is that this statistic will either go up or down. To determine whether changes to this variable are bad, you need to understand more about the context in which the variable is changing.
To put this more plainly, idea that machines will take our jobs generally means one of two things. Either it means that machines will push down overall human wages and make humans less competitive across a variety of tasks. This is directly related to x-risk concerns because it is a direct effect of AIs becoming more numerous and more productive than humans. It makes sense to be concerned about this, but it’s imprecise to describe it as an “unemployment”: the problem is not that people are unemployed, the problem is that people are getting poorer.
Or, the idea that machines will take our jobs means that it will increase our total prosperity, allowing us to spend more time in pleasant leisure and less time in unpleasant work. This would probably be a good thing, and it’s important to strongly distinguish it from the idea that wages will fall.
In my view, Baumol’s cost disease is poorly named: the name suggests that certain things are getting more expensive, but if “more expensive” means “society (on the whole) cannot afford as much as it used to” then this implication is false. To be clear, it is definitely possible that things like healthcare and education have gotten less affordable for a median consumer because of income inequality, but even if that’s true, it has little to do with Baumol’s cost disease per se. As Scott Alexander framed it,
The Baumol effect cannot make things genuinely less affordable for society, because society is more productive and can afford more stuff. However, it can make things genuinely less affordable for individuals, if those individuals aren’t sharing in the increased productivity of society.
I don’t think that the number of employees per patient in a hospital or the number of employees per student in a university is lower today than it was in the 1980s, even if hospitals and universities have improved in other ways.
I think this is likely wrong, at least for healthcare, but I’d guess for education too. For healthcare, Random Critical Analysis has written about the data, and I encourage you to look at their analysis.
There is also a story of sclerosis and stagnation. Sure, lots of frivolous consumer goods have gotten cheaper but healthcare, housing, childcare, and education, all the important stuff, has exploded in price.
I think the idea that this chart demonstrates sclerosis and stagnation in these industries—at least in the meaningful sense of our economy getting worse at producing or affording these things—is largely a subtle misunderstanding of what the chart actually shows. (To be clear, this is not an idea that you lean on much in this post, but I still think it’s important to try to clarify some misconceptions.)
Prices are relative: it only makes sense to discuss the price of X relative to Y, rather than X’s absolute price level. Even inflation is a relative measure: it shows the price of a basket of goods and services relative to a unit of currency.
With this context in mind, we should reconsider what it means for the items at the top of the chart to have “exploded in price”. There are several possible interpretations:
These items have become more expensive relative to a unit of US currency (true, supported by the chart)
These items have become more expensive relative to average hourly wages (true, supported by the chart)
These items have become more expensive relative to an average consumer’s income (mostly not true, not supported by the chart)
If the economic stagnation narrative were accurate, we would expect:
Claim (3) above to be true, as this would indicate that an average consumer finds these items harder to purchase. Conversely, if a service’s price decreases relative to someone’s income, it becomes more affordable for that person, even if its price increases relative to other metrics.
The chart to accurately represent the overall price of healthcare, housing, childcare, and education, rather than misleading sub-components of these things.
However, I argue that, when correctly interpreted under the appropriate measures, there’s little evidence that healthcare, housing, childcare, and education have become significantly less affordable for an average (not median) consumer. Moreover, I claim that the chart is consistent with this view.
To reconcile my claim with the chart, it’s crucial to distinguish between two concepts: average income and average wages. Income encompasses all money received by an individual or household from various sources, including wages, non-wage benefits, government assistance, and capital investments.
Average income is a broader and more appropriate way to measure whether something is becoming less “affordable” in this context, since what we care about is whether our economy has stagnated in the sense of becoming less productive. I personally think a more appropriate way to measure average income is via nominal GDP per capita. If we use this measure, we find that average incomes have risen approximately 125% from 2000-2023, which is substantially more than the rise in average wages over the same time period, as shown on the chart.
Using average wages for this analysis is problematic because it overlooks additional income sources that people can use to purchase goods and services. This approach also introduces complexities in interpretation, for example because you’d need to account for a declining labor share of GDP. If we focused on wages rather than average income, we would risk misinterpreting the decrease in average wages relative to certain services as a real decline in our ability to afford these things, instead of recognizing it more narrowly as a shift in the price of labor compared to these services.
A closer examination of the chart reveals that only four items have increased in price by more than 125% over the given period: Medical Care Services, College Textbooks, College Tuition and Fees, and Hospital Services. This immediately implies that, according to the chart, childcare and housing have actually become more affordable relative to average incomes. For the remaining items, I argue that they don’t accurately represent the overall price levels of healthcare and education. To support this claim, let’s break down each of these components:
Regarding Medical Care Services and Hospital Services, Random Critical Analysis has (to my mind) convincingly demonstrated that these components of the CPI do not accurately reflect overall healthcare prices. Moreover, when using the right standard to measure average income (nominal GDP per capita), he concludes that healthcare has not become significantly less affordable in the United States in recent decades.
Regarding College Tuition and Fees, this is not a measure of the quality-adjusted price level of college education, in the sense that matters here. That’s because colleges are providing a fundamentally different service now than they did in the past. There are more staff members, larger dorm complexes, and more amenities than before. We shouldn’t mistake an increase in the quality of college with whether education is becoming harder to produce. Indeed, given that a higher fraction of people are going to college now compared to decades ago, the fact that colleges are higher quality now undermines rather than supports a narrative of “stagnation”, in the economically meaningful sense.
Regarding College Textbooks, I recall spending a relatively small fraction of my income in college on textbooks, making me suspect that this component on the chart is merely cherrypicked to provide another datapoint that makes it seem like education has become less affordable over time.
To avoid having this comment misinterpreted, I need to say: I’m not saying that everything has gotten more affordable in the last 25 years for the median consumer. I’m not making any significant claims about inequality either, or even about wage stagnation. I’m talking about a narrower claim that I think is most relevant to the post: whether the chart demonstrates substantial economic stagnation, in the sense of our economy getting worse at producing certain stuff over time.
The point that a capabilities overhang might cause rapid progress in a short period of time has been made by a number of people without any connections to AI labs, including me, which should reduce your credence that it’s “basically, total self-serving BS”.
More to the point of Daniel Filan’s original comment, I have criticized the Responsible Scaling Policy document in the past for failing to distinguish itself clearly from AI pause proposals. My guess is that your second and third points are likely mostly correct: AI labs think of an RSP as different from AI pause because it’s lighter-touch, more narrowly targeted, and the RSP-triggered pause could be lifted more quickly, potentially minimally disrupting business operations.