cdkg(Cameron Domenico Kirk-Giannini)

Karma: 119

Philosopher at the Center for AI Safety

[Linkpost] A Case for AI Consciousness

6 Jul 2024 14:52 UTC
18 points
2 comments1 min readLW link

[Linkpost] Will AI avoid ex­ploita­tion?

cdkg6 Aug 2023 14:28 UTC
22 points
1 comment1 min readLW link

Lan­guage Agents Re­duce the Risk of Ex­is­ten­tial Catastrophe

28 May 2023 19:10 UTC
39 points
14 comments26 min readLW link

The Po­lar­ity Prob­lem [Draft]

23 May 2023 21:05 UTC
24 points
3 comments44 min readLW link