Don’t read news

A lot of people have written about the toxicity of news. This idea, that reading news is something to be avoided, might not be new to you. But today might be a great day for a reminder. I needed a reminder, because I’m tempted… very temped.

I could make the case again, that avoiding news is the thing to do, but Rolf Dobelli already did this elegantly. In his article, Avoid News, he discusses fifteen points:

  1. News misleads us systematically

  2. News is irrelevant

  3. News limits understanding

  4. News is toxic to your body

  5. News massively increases cognitive errors

  6. News inhibits thinking

  7. News changes the structure of your brain

  8. News is costly

  9. News sunders the relationship between reputation and achievement

  10. News is produced by journalists

  11. Reported facts are sometimes wrong, forecasts always

  12. News is manipulative

  13. News makes us passive

  14. News gives us the illusion of caring

  15. News kills creativity

His article was written in 2010 and since then the world has changed. In a world where everything is “Fake News!” and conspiracy theories are becoming normal, complaining about news makes me sound like one of the crazies. The world has become a place where mainstream media doesn’t seem toxic anymore, but a breath of fresh air.

Nonetheless, the fact that worse alternatives exist, doesn’t make his points invalid. I notice myself craving to know what is going on, on the other side of the world, on an hourly basis, while it will only cause me stress. And none of the information will be actionable. If you currently live in America the case might seem harder to make, but even then a daily update from a friend will probably suffice.

Dobelli ends with the following advice:

Go without news. Cut it out completely. Go cold turkey. Make news as inaccessible as possible.

If you want to explore this topic further I recommend the article by Dobelli: Avoid News, and an article by Gwern: Littlewood’s Law and the Global Media.