[Question] Is there a standard discussion of vegetarianism/​veganism?

I am searching for a concise text that presents and optimally also discusses reasons for a vegetarian/​vegan diet, including environmental and climate effects, health, but of course also ethics, and there are some ethical points I would be particularly interested in like “can you rank animals by how bad eating them is?”, “is it more ethical to eat wild animals because they have a good life before dying?”, “the ethics of offsetting” (the kind discussed in http://​​slatestarcodex.com/​​2015/​​09/​​23/​​vegetarianism-for-meat-eaters/​​) Optimally, this would be a kind of non-partisan text, but I guess for this topic this is hard to find because if someone writes about it, s/​​he usually explains her/​​his own reasons.