Happy Ada Lovelace Day

Today is Ada Lovelace Day, when STEM enthusiasts highlight the work of modern and historical women scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. If you run a blog, you may want to participate by posting about a woman in a STEM field whom you admire. But I’d love to have people share women scientists/​mathematicians/​authors in the comments that they think we could all stand to read more about.

  • Women in STEM fields (living or dead, fiction or nonfictional) that you’d like us to know more about (preferably with a little precis and a link

  • Books about women in STEM fields that are awesome

  • Books written by women about STEM subjects that are awesome

  • Studies about sexism (or ways to combat it) in STEM fields (and anywhere else)

  • Practical things you or organizations you’re with have done to cut down on careless or intentional sexism. (how did you implement it, how did you measure the effects, etc)