Ivermectin: Much Less Than You Needed To Know

Link post

I’ve recently gotten in touch with Alexandros Marinos, which has been writing lengthy critiques of Scott’s most famous post, his review of Ivermectin.

After hearing his point of view, I must admit I’ve been swayed to the thinking that:

  1. There are some obvious statistical errors in Scott’s post and his interpretation of Bitterman’s epidemiological data

  2. The evidence for ivermectin, while poor, is about as reasonable as that for any repurposed covid drug (e.g. fluvoxamine), and even purpose-made ones (plaxovid)

While I fancy myself an off-label statistician I’m prone to error and maybe my interpretation is wrong. Given that Alexandros has recently finished this post which condenses his core criticisms, I was curious to see what people on LW thought about it.