[Question] Why isn’t JS a popular language for deep learning?

I’ve just read this book, which introduces TensorFlow.js: https://​​www.manning.com/​​books/​​deep-learning-with-javascript

Now I’m wondering why JS is so unpopular for deep learning, especially compared to Python. For deep learning there all the usual benefits of using JS, e.g.:

  • easy to learn

  • huge community

  • flexible about paradigms

  • write code once, run anywhere (especially useful for training/​deploying models as well as cool applications like federated learning on client devices).

Plus, compared to Python there’s the huge added benefit of proper static types and the rich tooling of TypeScript. I know Python3 has type hints, but it’s a really horrible experience compared to any proper typed language. Playing around with TensorFlow.js I’ve found it catches plenty of mistakes that would require me to read and understand a bunch of code in Python. But with VSCode plugins, I just hover over a variable and it tells me what I’m doing wrong immediately.

So why is no-one really using this? Is it just the momentum of the Python deep learning community? Have I missed some huge downside? Is there a thriving underground JS deep learning community I’ve not been initiated into?