Is there a list of cognitive illusions?

After I posted my great idea that “Determinism Is Just A Special Case Of Randomness” because “if not I don’t see how there could be free will in a deterministic universe” I was positively guided by the LW community to read the Free Will Sequence so I am learning more about our biases and how we build illusions like free will and randomness in our minds.

But I don’t see a list on LW or Wikipedia of a list of cognitive illusions and I think it would be great to have one of those just as it is useful for many people to visit the List Of Cognitive Biases page as a study reference or even to use in day to day life.

I think these are some cognitive illusions that are normally discussed as such:

- Free will

- Randomness/​probability

- Time

- Money

There must be many more, but I don’t find a list with summaries and that would great (to help me avoid writing posts like my “great idea” above!).

EDIT: The majority of comments below are about questioning if they are illusions or not and if they should be called cognitive illusions.

I guess there is no list of cognitive illusions because there is no academic agreement about these issues like in cognitive biases which are generally accepted as such!

Thx for the comments!