Why don’t organizations have a CREAMO?

That is, a Chief Risk Evaluation And Mitigation Officer.

A bad handle on risk seems to be pervasive even in good organizations, both for- and non-profit. The unfolding FTX debacle shows that even Rationality-inspired orgs suck at risk assessment as much as any other place. If you go through the list of failed, ailing and failing startups in the ratosphere, they don’t seem to do any better than your average ones, in terms of evaluating risk and acting on it. One can imagine that they would be good at handling known unknowns, and it’s the black swans that would be a real danger. And yet, orgs get blindsided by entirely predictable events (why did FTX or its donors learn nothing from the Mt. Gox fiasco?). I can see some reasons where accurate risk evaluation is not in the interests of top-level human mesa-optimizers within an organization, because the compensation incentives are so misaligned. I can also see how everyone would hate that person. Or maybe this role is distributed between other executive officers? Certainly some rudimentary risk evaluation is done at every level, from the board down, but it doesn’t seem to be the main focus of anyone. Or maybe I am missing something here and this role is not useful in general.