Mikhail Samin

Karma: 812

My name is Mikhail Samin (diminutive Misha, @Mihonarium on Twitter, @misha in Telegram).

I work on reducing existential risks endangering the future of humanity. Humanity’s future can be huge and bright; losing it would mean the universe losing most of its value.

My research is currently focused on AI alignment, AI governance, and improving the understanding of AI and AI risks among stakeholders. Numerous AI Safety researchers told me our conversations improved their understanding of the alignment problem. I’m happy to talk to policymakers and researchers about ensuring AI benefits society.

I believe a capacity for global regulation is necessary to mitigate the risks posed by future general AI systems.

I took the Giving What We Can pledge to donate at least 10% of my income for the rest of my life or until the day I retire (why?).

In the past, I’ve launched the most funded crowdfunding campaign in the history of Russia (it was to print HPMOR! we printed 21 000 copies =63k books) and founded, which allowed me to donate >$100k to EA causes, including >$60k to MIRI.

[Less important: I’ve also started a project to translate 80,000 Hours, a career guide that helps to find a fulfilling career that does good, into Russian. The impact and the effectiveness aside, for a year, I was the head of the Russian Pastafarian Church: a movement claiming to be a parody religion, with 215 000 members in Russia at the time, trying to increase separation between religious organisations and the state. I was a political activist and a human rights advocate. I studied relevant Russian and international law and wrote appeals that won cases against the Russian government in courts; I was able to protect people from unlawful police action. I co-founded the Moscow branch of the “Vesna” democratic movement, coordinated election observers in a Moscow district, wrote dissenting opinions for members of electoral commissions, helped Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, helped Telegram with internet censorship circumvention, and participated in and organized protests and campaigns. The large-scale goal was to build a civil society and turn Russia into a democracy through nonviolent resistance. This goal wasn’t achieved, but some of the more local campaigns were successful. That felt important and was also mostly fun- except for being detained by the police. And I think it’s likely the Russian authorities will throw me in prison if I ever visit Russia.]

[Question] Can agents co­or­di­nate on ran­dom­ness with­out out­side sources?

Mikhail Samin6 Jul 2024 13:43 UTC
5 points
16 comments1 min readLW link