This makes me lose respect for both you and Eliezer.
I also think you’re ignoring self-selection effects among complainers. A lot fewer people are qualified to complain about performance and gas mileage, but everyone gets annoyed by cupholders. This is probably related to why a sex scandal is much more devastating to a politician than decades of shitty policy choices.
Oh no, someone told the internet about your polyamorous cuddle-piling cohabiting group of people! Did you not expect those things to get talked about it if you achieved any level of fame? Considering the judgement laid down on politicians for hints of inappropriateness, you should either make your relationships more normal and mainstream, or just learn to deal with people attacking you for the weirdness.
I think car purchasers are much more likely to be insane than car manufacturers. Cupholders seem like exactly the sort of thing that someone might forget to look into when purchasing a car, but it is one of the most common complaints due to constant daily interaction.
How many buyers do you think actually walk away from cars due to shoddy cupholders? I think the amount of complaining indicates that most people go on to buy cars and then complain.
Walmart coordinates 2.2 million people directly and millions more indirectly.
Even the boy scouts coordinates 2.7 million.
Religions coordinate, to a greater or lesser extent, far more.
The key to coordination is to not consider yourself as an individual measuring out a ration of words you can force x number of people to read. Most people never read the bible.
This is because the most rational person leaves as soon as the first person dies.
technology has indirectly caused millions of deaths by directly causing enough food to create millions of lives.
Real people can and often are extremely dangerous and it is not rude to describe dangerous people as acting in dangerous ways, or if it is then it is a valuable form of rudeness.
Giving away the information that you’re NOT voldemort is actually pretty useful when you’re trying to cooperate with people
Still donating 500 a month.
The problem: simplified measuring system. Any time you privilege exactly one of the things humans care about over all the others you get confusing or weird results.
An example: A drug that makes you live 1000 years longer, but makes you about as intelligent as a cow. I would not take this drug, nor would I expect most people to, but that’s baffling if you simply consider it in terms of “years of life gained”.
The number that utilitarians try to make go up is a lot more complicated than any one factor.
Vote this up if this poll format is terrible. An ordered list will have more information, and there are sites that let you post a poll where you can make your order preference known.
Ignoring for the moment whether or not that was a high quality post or a post that we want to be on lesswrong, I strongly disapprove of upvoting low quality or unwanted posts simply to be nice to someone.
Of course! Racism is evil and charity is good! If you try to mix them you get an explosion.
1) surgery is dangerous. Even innocuous surgeries can have complications such as infection that can kill. There’s also complications that aren’t factored into the obvious math, for example ever since I got 2 of my wisdom teeth out, my jaw regularly tightens up and cracks if I open my mouth wide, something that never happened beforehand. I wasn’t warned about this and didn’t consider it when I was deciding to get the surgery.
2) If it’s something dangerous, you’re very likely to find out anyway before it becomes serious. eg, if it’s a tumor, it’s going to keep growing and you can come back a month later and get it out then with little problem.
3) even if it’s not nothing, it might be something else that’s unlikely to kill you. Thus the 5/1000 chance of death you’re imagining is actually a 5/1000 chance of being not nothing.
Not saying which it is is pretty obnoxious, but I’ll have to assume you’ve been bitten by the moldbug
Don’t rant to strangers about how incel you are. If you do, don’t be surprised if some of those strangers try to offer you comfort.
eh, this just seems like a repeat of arguments against greedy reductionism. Parsimony is good except when it loses information, but if you’re losing information you’re not being parsimonious correctly.
however it pleads don’t fall in love with the AI in the box
Unlike Odin, Gwern has plucked out both his eyes for wisdom, knowing the value of double blindness.