The entire point of that aside was that a creationist has incorrect views about how cognition came about. They can’t come to correct conclusions about creating artificial intelligence because they have incorrect beliefs about how natural intelligence arose in the first place.
As far as antimatter goes, considering how hard it was to partially transfigure, I Imagine it would be impossible to craft something foreign to most people’s understanding without a lot of practice, and anyone who tried to practice would explode the first time they succeeded.
I can’t recall If there’s a canon limitation on Imperius curses, but I imagine they are strictly limited in MORverse simply because if they weren’t the entire wizarding world would constantly be suffering from constant control of everyone by everyone.
This. I’ve also worn multiple layers of armor, and something that’s heavy to lift with your hands becomes much easier to handle when you’re supporting it with your shoulders/body. If we extrapolate from harry, they transfigured the armor into existence, so it could be even lighter than average armor in any case.
Considering religion’s status as the primary and most obvious example of irrationality in the world I think pandering to it undermines the entire purpose of a group dedicated to promoting rationality.
When’s the next one?
Your advice boiled down to this: If there is something that makes you unhappy the only solution is to become batman. Studying child abuse will not held someone who is made unhappy by the thought of it happy. As far as resolving to stop it, what exactly do you recommend? You can’t exactly start going from house to house asking parents if they beat their children.
Even if we take as given that the apostles died bravely defending the resurrection, you can’t take people dying martyr’s death as evidence for their beliefs, only for their level of belief. People have martyred themselves for many CONFLICTING ideologies. Islam and Christianity to pick 2 of the most obvious examples, can’t both be correct.
More simply, I believe that most smart people when asked, would say that they are already rational, and not realize that there a great many degrees of rationality and that they probably have subconscious biases working against them.
The best example for a single VA doing a great job is Stephen Fry doing the actual Harry Potter books.
unfortunately a quick googling gives me a ball park of over 100 thousand SO FAR, based on’s prices. I don’t know how feasible that would be to kickstart/enjyn. We might have to shoot for a level below “professional grade”
The board managing Alcor’s trust fund is deliberately made up of people who have relatives or significant others in cryo preservation. It’s structured so that the people in charge have incentives exactly against doing this.
Madison WI Meetup, Sat Apr 2nd 1PM
I really love the idea of a commercial going “And now I’m showing you a picture of a man in glasses with a labcoat to prey on your learned respect for authority! Quick! flash to happy family to associate the product with happy families. nowthedisclaimerisreallyfastandintinytextbecauseiknowthiswillleavelessofanimpressiononyou”
bitcoins are divisible up to umpteen decimals, so I don’t think this is really an issue
No, for several reasons. First, part of the premise of bitcoins is to have a known rate of inflation that is eventually limited, whereas the Fed has no systemic rules against inflation in general.
Second, bitcoins are entirely digital. The ease of a transaction for 5 bitcoins is almost identical to that for .00351 bitcoins. Making fractional coins on the other hand would make the system extremely more complicated to use.
You don’t NEED to make more bitcoins because as their scarcity relative to how many people want them goes up, you can simply and EASILY trade in fractional bitcoins to make up for it, which you can’t do if the dollar supply was limited.
- 23 Mar 2011 21:01 UTC; 2 points) 's comment on Google lends further legitimacy to Bitcoin by (
For alcor atleast, the people in charge of the money are REQUIRED to be signed up for cryonics and I believe 3 of them need to have close relatives or significant others already in cryonics. This means that’s it’s in the interest of the people in charge to not screw themselves or the people they love, instead of not screwing random frozen strangers.
If you don’t think belief in god has real world impact on other beliefs you have then you have a very odd view of the situation. If god exists, we should want to believe he exists. If he doesn’t, we should want to believe he doesn’t exist. If we’re unsure, just shrugging and saying “we’ll never know” doesn’t get us anywhere closer to the truth.
also it’s just plain clumsy sounding
The suitability of the host in terms of power and close connection to Voldemort is probably much more important, especially considering how easy it is to travel stealthily in the wizarding world. It was mentioned for the resurrection spell that Voldemort would go out of his way to use his closest follower, most powerful kin, most powerful enemy etc.