2020 LessWrong Demographics Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who participated! You can see the original post here, but the survey is now closed. Here are the results:

Google forms results: https://​​docs.google.com/​​forms/​​d/​​e/​​1FAIpQLSfHJtg9ju6cCDl7T1PZvuBC9aIYIEN4Qb_MoQFPa9iMkUIFLQ/​​viewanalytics

Copy of the original survey (to view the questions in context): https://​​docs.google.com/​​forms/​​d/​​e/​​1FAIpQLSfBt1l3XBCZHx8DTJhWWTSK_bH7Tw6W4PdYYLKmMyplt1k0Ag/​​viewform

[Anyone wanting to revive the old (larger) annual LW-surveys can contact me if they need help/​funding.]