Timeline: The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2

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Jeremy Farrar, on Februar 2, 2020 (linking to his book):

On a spectrum if 0 is nature and 100 is release – I am honestly at 50! My guess is that this will remain grey, unless there is access to the Wuhan lab – and I suspect that is unlikely!

Jeremy Farrar, on Februar 2, 2020 in a email summarizing a phone conversation to the head of the WHO:

Critical that responsible, respected scientists and agencies get ahead of the science and the narrative of this and are not reacting to reports which could be very damaging.

Ralph Baric, on Februar 6, 2020:

Jim Hughes, Linda Saif, Hume Field, and I believe Rita Cowell will sign it, then I’ll send it round some other key people tonight. We’ll then put it out in a way that doesn’t link it back to our collaboration so we maximize an independent voice.

While the full post is long, it gives many details about how they collaborated to suppress the lab leak theory.