On Pi day, we eat pie; On Tau day, we eat Taoists?

I’d like to start by wishing everyone a Happy Pi day (even if for some of you it was yesterday).

Today, going about my usual Pi day celebration (which included pi(e) of the chocolate, cherry, apple, and movie variety), I stumbled across pi-protesters, who spoke of Tau-ism. For those who haven’t heard, Tauist claim that Tau, represented by the Greek letter T, is the real circle constant. There’s one proponent and his arguments here: http://​​tauday.com/​​

I read the article, saw the points that were made, and I’ve remained impartial (despite being a mathematics major). I can see Tau’s usefulness; I can see why pi hasn’t changed (and hardly would need to). So I decided to do something else: Present this claim to the LessWrong community, for those who are interested. What do you think?