A case for gamete personhood (reductio ad absurdum)

Are animals persons? Do they have the same moral status as humans?

I’m sure all of you LessWrongers are aware of the argument from marginal cases.

For example, a chimpanzee that commits an act of rape or murder against a human isn’t seen as evil, or held morally responsible for their act. So perhaps moral agency is what makes humans persons.

But neither does a newborn or impaired human, so they can’t be persons either.

One objection to this is the notion of potential capacities. A newborn or mentally ill person may not have the capacity in the moment, but when fully developed and functioning properly, they will be fully morally responsible, rational autonomous agents.

But this logic can extend to before birth. Foetuses, embryos, and even zygotes could be argued to be potential moral agents.

Taking this reasoning to its absolute logical conclusion, we can even say that gametes are persons.

Every sperm is sacred! Masturbation is murder!

If this reasoning is correct, we might have to outlaw contraceptives, to prevent the destruction of innocent lives. I don’t know how we’re going to enforce a law against masturbating though, perhaps by installing surveillance cameras in every house?

A rebuttal to this might be that you or I were never a gamete. Sperm and eggs are body parts of the parents, so we cannot reasonably argue that personhood begins any earlier than conception, when a distinct individual organism first comes into existence.

Are you identical to your organism though? One could reasonably argue you are your brain or mind, in which case personhood begins later in pregnancy.

It seems then there is at least two elements of personhood.

  1. Continuity of personal identity over time

  2. Actual or potential traits and capacities

Perhaps there is even more factors we must consider when determining the moral status of entities.

I made this post for two reasons. As a conversation starter, and to have a bit of a laugh at absurd lines of reasoning.

I don’t know or claim to have a definition of personhood, but I think this post might be helpful to frame people’s thinking on the matter.