Less Wrong in Other Languages

Less Wrong is a great blog.

Not all people feel at ease with the english language.

I recently noticed that Brazilians are almost not available in this rationalist community.

This sucks, even if it has cultural explanations. So I decided on writing a similar blog model in portuguese (eventually also translating the most important sequences, but let’s not get ahead of time). If it is a language barrier issue, this might help.

Less Wrong design is great, and even though there may be more addictive systems than the karma one, karma is a great one.

So I wondered if it is possible and easy for a non-computer programmer to copy the website design, writing a portuguese version of it, climbing mount rational, and eventually leading people here (since, obviously, learning english is one of the most important rational goals of a 21st century human). Maybe it is not possible because it needs editing in formal languages, maybe because it is not allowed.

But saving the time of building it seems worth a shot. How should I proceed?