[Question] What are the mostly likely ways AGI will emerge?

I’d rather not bias answers with my specific guesses, but what I’m trying to get at are bottom-up economic, engineering, and organizational realities-based answers. For example, if this question were asked in the year 2000 about the most likely way the next massive communities of people would form, answers might take into account the broadening adoption of the internet, the relative ease with which new web communities could be created with the LAMP stack, and that advertising would be a likely form of revenue. This may have predicted something akin to the social networks and provided some impetus for preventing societal manipulation through the targeted advertising that we saw in the 2016 U.S. elections. I realize predicting such a thing in 2000 would have been extremely difficult, but it feels like this is the type of question that if asked now, could help provide some guidance on how to create AGI safely.

I’ll provide my own guesses in a few days after I’ve given some time for folks to weigh in.